Age 9-11 Years
The Wizards of Once: Book 1
Cressida CowellCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99From the bestselling author of How to Train Your Dragon comes an exciting high-adventure series - set in an ancient, magical time, full of Wizards,...
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The Beast Awakens
Joseph Delaney€10.99Calling all budding Stephen King fans... this is the book for you! The first book in a horrifying new fantasy sequence from Joseph Delaney, the int...
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Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds: Your Introduction to Deities, Mythical Beings & Fantastic Creatures
Rick RiordanCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50For Magnus Chase: Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds will whet readers' appetites for The Hammer of Thor.It is a 176-page, smaller format boo...
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Raymie Nightingale
Kate DiCamilloCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99New York Times bestselling author Kate DiCamillo returns to her roots with a moving yet witty story of an unforgettable summer friendship. For fans...
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A Wrinkle in Time
Madeleine L'EngleCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99Disney takes the classic sci-fi adventure, A Wrinkle in Time to the silver screen! With an all-star cast that includes Oprah Winfrey, Reese Withers...
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John Meade FalknerCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99A tale of smuggling set among the cliffs, caves, and downs of Dorset. Everyone in the tiny village of Moonfleet lives by the sea one way or another...
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Astrid the Unstoppable
Maria ParrCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99Classic storytelling at its best, delightful and moving. I loved it. M. G. Leonard, author of Beetle BoyMaria Parr's second novel is a hilarious an...
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A Child Through Time
Phil WilkinsonCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99We know all about history through the eyes of adults, but what about children? Journey through the lives of 30 everyday children from the Ice Age t...
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Famous Five: Five Have A Mystery To Solve: Book 20
Enid BlytonCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are THE FAMOUS FIVE - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also av...
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Famous Five: Five Go Off To Camp: Book 7
Enid BlytonCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are THE FAMOUS FIVE - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also av...
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Famous Five: Five Have Plenty Of Fun: Book 14
Enid BlytonCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are THE FAMOUS FIVE - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also av...
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Art A Children''s Encyclopedia
DKCurrent price €22.09Original price €25.99This beautiful art encyclopedia charts the evolution of the greatest cultural achievements in painting, sculpture, and photography.The greatest art...
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The Periodic Table Book: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Elements
DKCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this children's book takes you on an visual and vibrant journey of all...
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Oranges in No Man''s Land
Elizabeth LairdCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99Oranges in No Man's Land brings Elizabeth Laird's emotional and gripping adventure to her next generation of fans. Since her father left Lebanon to...
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I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story: (I Funny 2)
James PattersonCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99Middle schooler Jamie Grimm has big dreams of being the best stand-up comic in the world and he won't let the fact that he's in a wheelchair get i...
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The Butterfly Club
Jacqueline WilsonCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99We're triplets. Surprise! Everyone thinks I'm the little sister. It's very annoying.Phil, Maddie and Tina are triplets, but Tina has always been t...
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Magisterium: The Iron Trial
Cassandra ClareCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99From the imaginations of bestselling authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare comes a heart-stopping plunge into the magical unknown.Think you know ...
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Skulduggery Pleasant The Maleficent Seven (From the World of Skulduggery Pleasant)
Derek LandyCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99A brilliant, hilarious one-off novel in the Skulduggery Pleasant universe, from number-one-bestselling author Derek Landy now in paperback. ...
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Alice-Miranda Shows the Way
Jacqueline HarveyCurrent price €11.89Original price €13.99Alice-Miranda has a birthday to celebrate, and the village show to look forward to! The highlight of the day is going to be the horse race, but Roc...
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World of Warriors Official Guide
Agenda BookshopCurrent price €11.04Original price €12.99World of Warriors is the epic new battle strategy game from Mind Candy. The greatest warriors from history have been summoned through time to a mys...
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Hufflepuff Edition
J.K. RowlingCurrent price €11.04Original price €12.99Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th an...
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DK€19.50Discover everything you ever wanted to know about Disney Princesses, and read all about their castles, wicked stepmothers, faraway lands, best frie...
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Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Book 1)
Marissa MeyerCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99A forbidden romance.A deadly plague.Earth's fate hinges on one girl . . .CINDER, a gifted mechanic in New Beijing, is also a cyborg. She's reviled ...
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Patatinu il-Ħmar ta’ Val Verdun
Maria Ferriggi€7.00“Kien lejl bikri tar-rebbiegħa. Għalkemm Marzu kien kważi spiċċa, il-kesħa xorta kienet għadha tinħass. Il-lejl kien daħal sewwa. Is-sema kien ċar ...
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L-Arlogg tal-Passat
Jennifer Spagnol€4.25Amanda, l-istess tifla li Tara kienet spiċċat għandha meta sabet l-arloġġ li ħadha fil-futur, tkun fuq il-bajja mal-ħabiba tagħha Isabelle, meta di...
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Ineż Farruġ
Agenda Bookshop€7.90Il-ġrajja ta’ Ineż Farruġ, miktuba minn Anton Manwel Caruana fl-1888, teħodna lura fis-seklu ħmistax fi żmien il-ħakma tal-Ispanjoli. Għall-kapriċ...
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Geronimo StiltonCurrent price €7.99Original price €8.99For cavemouse Geronimo Stiltonoot, life is one prehistoric problem after another!Geronimo Stiltonoot and The Stone Gazette are in the running for t...
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L-Ispettaklu Stupend Żanżan Kelma
Deborah Abela€9.95India ma setgħetx torqod. Baqgħet iġġib quddiem għajnejha lil Philomena Spright fuq il-palk tippuntalha difirha miżbugħ aħmar jgħajjat, qed tgħidil...
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Sardinellu u d-Dar tal-Ħares
Carmel G. Cauchi€9.00Jirritorna Sardinellu, il-karattru maġiku minn Ramon u Sardinellu X’kien il-misteru fil-karta mitwija fil-kaxxa tas-sulfarini? Ta’ min kien in-numr...
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Avventuri mill-klassi ta’ Miss Ambrożja Pulis Kif tarani penġini
Audrey Friggieri€7.95L-ewwel ktieb fis-sensiela dwar Miss Ambrożja Pulis Kiftaranipenġini Xxxxxxxxxxxx! Miss Ambrożja saħħara! Imma ara ma tgħid lil ħadd! Furtu, Paskal...
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Ġojjell fl-iskola tal-mostri
Laurent u Olivier Souille€5.50Stejjer li jistgħu jinqraw lit-tfal kif ukoll mit-tfal. Stejjer ta’ ħafna emozzjonijiet u immaġinazzjoni — perfetti biex it-tfal jikbru jħobbu l-qa...
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Deborah Abela€9.95Iż-żmien tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija ma kienx faċli għal ħafna familji Maltin. Teresa, flimkien mal-ġenituri tagħha u n-nanna, batew il-ġuħ u saħansit...
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Il-Pittura Maġika
Jennifer Spagnol€4.25Tommy kien qiegħed ifittex u jqalleb fil-kamra tal-bejt tan-nanniet meta sab xi ħaġa mgeżwra sew b'karti kkuluriti mdawrin b'ħafna spag. Kienet pit...
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L-Assedju ta’ l-Imdina
Agenda Bookshop€3.00Ħjiel mill-Istorja ta’ Malta Xi sena wara li s-sultan Fonzu ta’ Spanja għaraf lil Malta bħala stat sovran fis-saltna tiegħu u ta d-dritt lill-Malt...
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Il-Lampa ta’ San Dimitri
Agenda Bookshop€3.00Hjiel mill-Istorja ta’ Malta Mhux magħruf meta kienet ġiet mibnija l-ewwel knisja ta’ San Mitri. Aktarx fl-ewwel nofs tas-seklu ħmistax, jiġifieri...
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Worst Week Ever! Friday
Eva AmoresCurrent price €10.19Original price €11.99Have YOU ever had a bad week? The hilarious new series taking the world by storm. Hes fallen down a giant hole, hes plummeted down to the very dept...
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