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Mdina Citta Notabile - Daniel Cilia
Daniel Cilia€25.00Unfold the richness of our diverse cultural heritage through a collection of beautiful photographic books.
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The Great Maltese Composers
Joseoh Vella Bondin€75.00The Great Mal'tese Composers: historical context, lives, and works' is the first comprehensive study of Maltese music to be written in the English ...
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L-ittra ta’ Osama u stejjer oħra
JOHN P. PORTELLI€14.00Dawn l-istejjer pikużi ta’ Portelli jirrakkontaw, kultant bl-akbar notorjetà, id-dupliċità tal-valuri eterni tal-bniedem fis-soċjetà kontemporanja,...
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Laudemus Viros Gloriosos
Agenda Bookshop€35.00Dan hu ktieb li fih aktar minn mija u għaxar ġrajja ta’ patrijiet Agostinjani li għamlu isem bejn l-1400 u s-sena 2000. Iżda dawn ir-rakkonti jmorr...
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DAVID BEZZINA€8.00Hemm ħafna tipi ta’ bews, ta’ kull għamla u ta’ kull kulur: hemm minnhom li jtaffulna l-uġigħ, oħrajn nerfgħuhom għal meta niltaqgħu flimkien, imma...
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The Gentle Breeze from the Peripheries
HECTOR SCERRI€14.00Indeed, the Spirit of God continues to hover over the earth and his gentle breezes are refreshing the centre and the peripheries, as Hector Scerri ...
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