The Age of the Lily Sophia, the Wisdom of God: The Spirit of Fusion: Spirit of His Spirit, Love, of His Love
By (author): House Gabriele Publishing
How the Eternal Being, the homeland of all divine beings and the origin of us all, developed. From the mighty cosmic fusion through the Spirit of Truth up to the Let there bethe beginning of the formation of the first entities and of the mighty Eternal Kingdom.
This one-of-a-kind prophetic vision is given to us human beings, so that we may understand that our soul comes from infinity, from the Kingdom of the Being, and that infinity is the Spirit of Truth, which wants to have all His sons and daughters back with Him, in the eternal homeland.
An excerpt:
Before the creation of the Being, before the 'Let there be' to the eternal Being, there was nothing but unending light, oceans of light, also called flowing Light-Ether. All in all, it is the Spirit of Truth, highest-vibrating energies, infinite aspects of consciousness of varying streams of lightlight-etheric. The Spirit of Truth, whom we people in the western world call 'God,' is the eternal Spirit, the all-streaming life, eternally. The Spirit, the All-life, knows no beginning and no endHe is
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