Botany & Plant Sciences
Agriculture and Forests in Sumidouro (RJ)
Leandro Barros OliveiraCurrent price €62.69Original price €65.99Current price €62.69Original price €65.99Save 5% -
Root Genomics and Soil Interactions
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €193.79Original price €203.99Fully integrated and comprehensive in its coverage, Root Genomics and Soil Interactions examines the use of genome-based technologies to understand...
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Annual Plant Reviews, Phosphorus Metabolism in Plants
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €175.74Original price €184.99The development of phosphorus (P)-efficient crop varieties is urgently needed to reduce agriculture's current over-reliance on expensive, environme...
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Molecular Mechanisms in Plant Adaptation
Roosa LaitinenCurrent price €177.64Original price €186.99Plants are forced to adapt for a variety of reasons protection, reproductive viability, and environmental and climatic changes. Computational tools...
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Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 36
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €216.59Original price €227.99Plant Breeding Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on plant genetics and the breeding of all types of crops by both traditional means and mol...
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Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Volume 5
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €175.74Original price €184.99Plant polyphenols are secondary metabolites that constitute one of the most common and widespread groups of natural products. They express a large ...
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Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics
Elizabeth A. KelloggCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of plant gene expression. Unique in explaining the subject from...
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Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €237.49Original price €249.99Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference provides basic information on harmful algal blooms (HAB) and references for individuals in need o...
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Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics
Elizabeth A. KelloggCurrent price €108.29Original price €113.99Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of plant gene expression. Unique in explaining the subject from...
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Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding, Volume 1: Biotic Stress
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €188.09Original price €197.99Genomic Applications for Crop Breeding: Biotic Stress is the first of two volumes looking at the latest advances in genomic applications to crop br...
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Nectrios extraflorais em agentes de controlo biolgico
Kandibane MuthusamyCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Ethnobotanische Gewinnung von Arzneipflanzen
Maria Vitria Pereira VicenteCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Biodiversidade de insectos e caros em sistemas de agricultura biolgica
Atulkumar P PrajapatiCurrent price €68.39Original price €71.99Current price €68.39Original price €71.99Save 5% -
Ethnobotanical Recovery of Medicinal Plants
Maria Vitria Pereira VicenteCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
ГРАФЕН: будущее уже здесь! Применение и анализ
Б. Ц. ДхананяяCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Nectaires extrafloraux sur les agents de lutte biologique
Kandibane MuthusamyCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Kenntnisse der Landwirte über die Kichererbsenanbautechnik und deren Anwendung
Kalpeshkumar D TankodaraCurrent price €76.94Original price €80.99Current price €76.94Original price €80.99Save 5% -
Этноботаническое восстановление лекарс
Мария Витори ВисентеCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Chemische Bewässerung versus Blattapplikation zur Bekämpfung von Schädlingskomplexen
Atulkumar P PrajapatiCurrent price €68.39Original price €71.99Current price €68.39Original price €71.99Save 5% -
Auerbltige Nektarien auf biologischen Bekmpfungsmitteln
Kandibane MuthusamyCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Molecular Markers in Plants
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €193.79Original price €203.99Molecular Markers in Plants surveys an array of technologies used in the molecular analysis of plants. The role molecular markers play in plant imp...
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Conhecimentos e adoção pelos agricultores da tecnologia de produção de grão-de-bico
Kalpeshkumar D TankodaraCurrent price €76.94Original price €80.99Current price €76.94Original price €80.99Save 5% -
Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 37
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €216.59Original price €227.99Plant Breeding Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on plant genetics and the breeding of all types of crops by both traditional means and mol...
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Chimigation versus application foliaire pour la gestion du complexe parasitaire
Atulkumar P PrajapatiCurrent price €68.39Original price €71.99Current price €68.39Original price €71.99Save 5% -
Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Polysaccharides: Biosynthesis and Bioengineering
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €198.54Original price €208.99Plant Polysaccharides, an exceptional new volume in Wiley-Blackwells successful Annual Plant Reviews series, covers the polysaccharides and protein...
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Graphene: L''avenir est l ! Applications et analyses
Ajit PuriCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Graphene: O futuro est aqui! Aplicaes e anlises
Ajit PuriCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Rcupration ethnobotanique de plantes mdicinales
Maria Vitria Pereira VicenteCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Фертигация сахарного тростника винассой
Джани Камело де СоузаCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Economically Important Trees: Origin, Evolution, Genetic Diversity and Ecology
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €249.84Original price €262.99The edited volume deals with the origin, evolution, genetic diversity, commercial, and cultural aspects of selected tree species such as Rubber, Pi...
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Экстрафлоральные нектарники на агентах б
Кандибане МутхусамыCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Химический полив и внекорневая подкормка
Атулкумар раджапатиCurrent price €68.39Original price €71.99Current price €68.39Original price €71.99Save 5% -
Fertilisation de la canne sucre avec de la vinasse
Jnio Kleiber Camelo de SouzaCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Connaissance et adoption par les agriculteurs de la technologie de production du pois chiche
Kalpeshkumar D TankodaraCurrent price €76.94Original price €80.99Current price €76.94Original price €80.99Save 5% -
Graphene: Die Zukunft ist da! Anwendungen und Analyse
Ajit PuriCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Dngung von Zuckerrohr mit Vinasse
Jnio Kleiber Camelo de SouzaCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
Quimigação versus aplicação foliar para a gestão do complexo de pragas
Atulkumar P PrajapatiCurrent price €68.39Original price €71.99Current price €68.39Original price €71.99Save 5% -
Знание и освоение фермерами технологии пр
КАЛПЕШКУМА ТАНКОДАРАCurrent price €76.94Original price €80.99Current price €76.94Original price €80.99Save 5% -
Annual Plant Reviews, Biology of Plant Metabolomics
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €173.84Original price €182.99Biology of Plant Metabolomics is an exciting new volume in Wiley-Blackwell's highly successful Annual Plant Reviews series. Concentrating on the bi...
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Plant Elicitor Peptides: New Tool for Sustainable Agriculture
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99This book provides an overview on plant innate immunity triggered by peptide elicitors. It explains how peptide signals provide protection against ...
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Efeito de extractos de alho e cebola em agentes patognicos fngicos de frutos secos armazenados
Musa DaboCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99Current price €37.99Original price €39.99Save 5% -
Annual Plant Reviews, The Evolution of Plant Form
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €161.49Original price €169.99The Evolution of Plant Form is an exceptional new volume in Wiley-Blackwells highly successful and well established Annual Plant Reviews. Written b...
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Annual Plant Reviews, The Plant Hormone Ethylene
Michael T. McManusCurrent price €173.84Original price €182.99The plant hormone ethylene is one of the most important, being one of the first chemicals to be determined as a naturally-occurring growth regulato...
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KAP des agriculteurs l''gard des lgumes indignes africains au Kenya
Donatien NtawuruhungaCurrent price €50.34Original price €52.99Current price €50.34Original price €52.99Save 5% -
Theobroma Cacao: Biology, Chemistry, and Human Health
Carl L. KeenCurrent price €134.89Original price €141.99The last ten years have seen intensive research on both T. cacao (the tree) as well as on cocoa (the processed product). In addition, research ove...
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Stratgies d''expression htrologue des protines et de l''activit des gnes
Mohamad Hesam ShahrajabianCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Tempo de enxertia e altura do porta-enxerto em manga
Pravin RathodCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5%