Valorization of Wine Making By-Products
An overview of wine making by-products and their conventional and non-conventional uses, Valorization of Wine Making By-Products gives you a deeper understanding of recovery processes that are a part of the new philosophy of sustainable agriculture. In line with the worldwide movement toward sustainable development, this book examines how to convert waste into useful products and to recycle waste products. It provides the research underpinning the processes and highlights new value-adding valorization technologies.
Although vine cultivation and vinification generate a significant amount of waste and several by-products, generally only a very small portion of these materials are used. The book gives you a detailed overview of the typology of different by-products and describes several technological aspects of by-product utilization. It details regulatory, legislative, and sustainability issues before exploring marketing potential and future perspectives. The book highlights wine by-products as potential sources of bioactive phytochemicals, which could be used for various purposes in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries.
Efficient utilization of food processing by-products represents challenges for the profitability of the food industry. In addition, during the next few years, the area of food processing waste management, where wine industry plays a leading role, will expand rapidly. This has resulted in the need for a detailed book on valorization of wine making by-products. In response, this book provides you with a number of value-adding technologies for the valorization of those products.
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