Encyclopedia of Football Medicine, Vol.2: Injury Diagnosis and Treatment
Hardback | English
By (author): Hans-W. Muller-Wohlfahrt Jan Ekstrand Jon Karlsson Lutz Haensel Markus Walden Per Holmich Peter Ueblacker
FIVE STARS from Doody's Star Ratings (TM)
Authored by renowned UEFA specialists in the medical care of football players, this three-volume series-sourced from the course materials used in UEFA's Football Doctor Education Program-aims to familiarize clinicians with a structured system of assessment and care in dealing with the wide variety of injuries that can afflict professional footballers. Volume 2 introduces football doctors to the specific types of injuries that may occur, and the mechanisms of injury, with a wealth of information supported by scientific evidence.
Key Topics of Volume 2:
The Encyclopedia of Football Medicine will be essential reading for physicians working for football teams, orthopaedists, sports medicine physicians, and specialised physical therapists.
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