Web Programming
Coding HTML CSS JavaScript Made Easy: Web, Apps and Desktop
Adam CruteCurrent price €16.14Original price €16.99Coding HTML CSS JavaScript is a great practical guide to the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding.This book also covers JavaScript, which is v...
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Automate with Grunt
Brian P. HoganCurrent price €16.14Original price €18.99Grunt is everywhere. JavaScript projects from jQuery to Twitter Bootstrap use Grunt to convert code, run tests, and produce distributions for produ...
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Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design
Lisa WelchmanCurrent price €37.71Original price €45.99Current price €37.71Original price €45.99Save 18% -
Murachs ASP.NET 4.6 Web Programming with C# 2016
Anne BoehmCurrent price €62.89Original price €73.99Current price €62.89Original price €73.99Save 15% -
Learning SPARQL
Bob DuCharmeCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Get hands-on experience with SPARQL, the RDF query language. With this concise book, you will learn how to use the latest version of this W3C stand...
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OOP - Learn Object Oriented Thinking and Programming
Rudolf PecinovskyCurrent price €38.24Original price €44.99Current price €38.24Original price €44.99Save 15% -
New Programmers Start Here: An Introduction to Computer Programming Using JavaScript
Jonathan BartlettCurrent price €27.19Original price €31.99Current price €27.19Original price €31.99Save 15% -
CSS3 in Easy Steps
Mike McGrathCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50CSS3 in easy steps begins by explaining how style sheets can determine the presentation of elements within HTML documents. Examples show how Cascad...
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HTML5 in easy steps
Mike McGrathCurrent price €16.63Original price €17.50Covers the new HTML5.1 W3C Recommendation. The first edition of this book was written in 2011 based upon the latest W3C Candidate Recommendation of...
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Python in Easy Steps
Mike McGrathCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Python in easy steps instructs you how to program in the powerful Python language, giving complete examples that illustrate each aspect with colour...
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HTML in easy steps
In Easy Steps LimitedCurrent price €15.29Original price €17.99HTML in easy steps, 9th edition instructs you how to employ the latest development for web page design with HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Moder...
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HTML 5 in easy steps
Mike McGrathCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Without doubt HTML5 is the future of the web and HTML5 in easy steps demonstrates all you can achieve NOW in the latest browsers - all described in...
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Google AdWords: Managing Your Advertising Program
Anastasia HoldrenCurrent price €25.49Original price €29.99Google AdWords will explain how each piece of Google's advertising platform works, focusing on areas that directly impact the performance and cost ...
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Hack and HHVM
Owen YamauchiCurrent price €26.34Original price €30.99How can you take advantage of the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) and the Hack programming language, two new technologies that Facebook developed to ...
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Web Coding Bible (18 Books in 1 -- HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, XML, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Java Applet, ActionScript, htaccess, jQuery, WordPress, SEO and many more): An Accelerated Course
Chong Lip PhangCurrent price €39.35Original price €47.99Current price €39.35Original price €47.99Save 18% -
Running Serverless: Introduction to AWS Lambda and the Serverless Application Model
Gojko AdzicCurrent price €47.18Original price €55.50Current price €47.18Original price €55.50Save 15% -
Python for DevOps: Learn Ruthlessly Effective Automation
Alfredo DezaCurrent price €50.79Original price €59.75Much has changed in technology over the past decade. Data is hot, the cloud is ubiquitous, and many organizations need some form of automation. Thr...
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Web Performance Daybook
Stoyan StefanovCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99Performance is critical to the success of any website. In this book, web performance experts including Steve Souders, Tom Hughes-Croucher, Nicholas...
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Managing Kubernetes: Operating Kubernetes Clusters in the Real World
Brendan BurnsCurrent price €42.74Original price €44.99While Kubernetes has greatly simplified the task of deploying containerized applications, managing this orchestration framework on a daily basis ca...
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JQuery UI
Eric SarrionCurrent price €22.09Original price €25.99The jQueryUI applies the power and standards of jQuery to user interface design. The library provides elegant versions of many features HTML5 lack...
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Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale
Boris ChernyCurrent price €47.59Original price €55.99Any programmer working in a dynamically typed language will tell you how hard it is to scale that language to more lines of code and to more engine...
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Building Web Applications with Ember.js
Jesse CravensCurrent price €25.49Original price €29.99If you're a web developer interested in building scalable single-page applications - full-stack, browser-based apps that connect to a backend - thi...
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JQuery in Easy Steps
Mike McGrathCurrent price €16.63Original price €17.50jQuery in easy steps begins by explaining how to incorporate the free jQuery library so readers can quickly create interactive web page features by...
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Enabling Technologies for Seamless Mobility
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €49.59Original price €61.99Current price €49.59Original price €61.99Save 20% -
User Interfaces and Applications for Seamless Mobility
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €49.59Original price €61.99Current price €49.59Original price €61.99Save 20% -
Just Spring Data
Konda MadhusudhanCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99Persistence of data is a challenging task for Java developers as there are many things that could go wrong. Spring has simplified data access by p...
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Introduction to Tornado: Modern Web Applications with Python
Adam ParrishCurrent price €20.39Original price €23.99Tornado is a scalable, non-blocking web server and web application framework written in Python. It is also light-weight to deploy, fun to write for...
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Getting Started with Fluidinfo
Nicholas J. RadcliffeCurrent price €22.09Original price €25.99For developers, content providers and sophisticated power users, Fluidinfo is an online information storage and search platform that supports share...
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Learning Java: An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java
Daniel LeuckCurrent price €55.54Original price €69.43If you''re new to Java-or new to programming-this best-selling book will guide you through the language features and APIs of Java 11. With fun, com...
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Adobe Edge Animate: The Missing Manual
Chris GroverCurrent price €28.69Original price €34.99Want to create animated graphics for iPhone, iPad, and the Web, using familiar Adobe features? You've come to the right guide. Adobe Edge Animate: ...
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Getting Started with D3
Mike DewarCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99The d3 Javascript library allows us to make beautiful, interactive browser-based data visualisations. By joining standard web page elements with a ...
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Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps
Jack MoffitCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99Whether you need a new tool or just inspiration, Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks explores modern options, giving you a taste of each with ideas...
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Java EE 6 Pocket Guide
Arun GuptaCurrent price €15.29Original price €17.99The Java Enterprise Edition 6 platform provides capabilities that make it easier for Java programmers to develop and deploy enterprise and Web appl...
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Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5
Mario Andres PagellaCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99Walk through the process of designing and implementing from scratch an isometric real time game such as some of the most succesful Facebook Games. ...
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