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A01=Ursel Scheffler
A12=Hannes Gerber
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Ursel Scheffler
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Price_€10 to €20

El manubrio lila


By (author): Ursel Scheffler

Illustrated by: Hannes Gerber

Cada capÍtulo es un caso diferente del comisario Caramba, en espaÑol. Al final de cada caso, una pregunta te harÁ hacer de detective. ¿SerÁs capaz de contestarla correctamente y resolver el caso? La respuesta a la pregunta estÁ cifrada, ¡y solo podrÁs leerla con la ayuda de la lupa de superdetective incluida en el libro! Recomendado para mejorar la comprensiÓn lectora.

Los libros del comisario Caramba son distintos, los niÑos se lo pasan genial haciendo de detectives a la vez que leen con atenciÓn para ser capaces de entender la historia y resolver cada caso. ¡Y despuÉs deberÁn utilizar la lupa de superdetective para descifrar la soluciÓn!

Un mu´sico sospechoso, un ladro´n en pijama, un criador de perros tramposo, un lechero peligroso, unos entran~ables viajeros viejos y mentirosos, un caradura y un hue´sped invisible nos acompan~an en este nuevo volumen lleno de emociones. En el penu´ltimo caso, nos enteramos de que las computadoras saben hacer muchas cosas, pero no tener cuidado de ellos mismos. Esta vez, adema´s, el comisario Caramba hara´ incluso de niÑero y, como siempre ¡resolvera´ todos los casos!

El comisario Caramba tiene los siguientes tÍtulos:
- El calcetÍn rojo
- La mÁscara naranja
- La maleta amarilla
- El loro verde
- El manubrio lila
- El caso Cobra
- El dragÓn dorado

Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba, in Spanish. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work. Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer to the question is encoded, and you will only be able to read it with the help of the super detectives magnifying glass included in the book! Recommended to improve reading comprehension.

The Comisario Caramba books are different, children have a fantastic time becoming detectives while they read carefully to be able to understand the story and solve each case. And afterwards they have to use the super detective magnifying glass to crack the solution!

A suspicious musician, a thief in pajamas, a tricky dog breeder, a dangerous milkman, some lovable old travelers and liars, a cheeky man and an invisible guest join us in this new volume full of emotions. In the penultimate case, we learn that computers know how to do a lot of things, but they don't know how to take care of themselves. This time, inspector Caramba will even act as a babysitter and, as usual ¡ he will solve all cases!

El comisario Caramba has the following titles:
- El calcetÍn rojo
- La mÁscara naranja
- La maleta amarilla
- El loro verde
- El manubrio lila
- El caso Cobra
- El dragÓn dorado See more
Current price €14.88
Original price €17.50
Save 15%
10-20A01=Ursel SchefflerA12=Hannes GerberAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Ursel Schefflerautomatic-updateCategory1=KidsCategory=YFBCategory=YFCFCategory=YNKCOP=SpainDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€10 to €20PS=Activesoftlaunch
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 195g
  • Dimensions: 133 x 196mm
  • Publication Date: 15 Jun 2022
  • Publisher: Editorial el Pirata
  • Publication City/Country: Spain
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9788494611582

About Ursel Scheffler

Ursel Scheffler estudi lenguas y literatura en Munich. Ha escrito ms de cien libros que se han traducido a ms de veinte idiomas. Hannes Gerber estudi arte y diseo grfico en Berln donde trabaj para agencias de publicidad e ilustr novelas grficas. Tambin particip en una serie de pelculas animadas. Actualmente ilustra libros infantiles para varias editoriales. Ursel Schefflerstudied languages and literature in Munich. She has written more than one hundred books that have been translated into more than twenty languages. Hannes Gerber studied art and graphic design in Berlin where he worked for advertising agencies and illustrated graphic novels. He also took part in a host of animated films. Currently he illustrates children's books for several publishers.

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