Author: Tonio Borg
Nidħqu bina nfusna – Politika bi tbissima
Tonio Borg€25.00Tul issnin, Tonio Borg irrankonta aneddoti politiċi filkurituri talParlament, waqt laqgħat u mumenti ta’ tensjoni … u issa qed jaqsamhom miegħek pe...
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A Commentary on the Constitution of Malta: Second Edition: 2022
Tonio Borg€60.00Second Edition This is the first analysis of the Constitution of Malta, article by article. This Commentary is a study of the landmark judgments of...
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The Blue Sisters Saga, A legal and factual analysis by Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg€25.00This new title by Tonio Borg deals with a saga which occurred more than forty years ago. The foreign Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, popular...
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Ġustizzja bi Tbissima
Tonio Borg€25.00Ġustizzja bi Tbissima, Stejjer Umoristiċi hu ġabra ta’ anedotti u avventuri li ġraw filQorti u fluffiċċji talavukati. Filversu sens talkelma lavuka...
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The Arturo Mercieca Court (1924-1940) A Legal Analysis by Tonio Borg
Tonio Borg€28.00The latest work by Professor Tonio Borg consists of a legal analysis of judgments delivered over a sixteen year period (1924-40) during which Sir A...
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Hekk Nafhom Jien
Tonio Borg€30.00Dan ilktieb nibet millidea li dejjem kelli li nikteb xi ħaġa dwar nies li ltqajt magħhom matul ħajti. F’dalktieb hemm limpressjonijiet tiegħi dwar ...
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Leading cases in Maltese administrative law (Hardback)
Tonio Borg€70.00“The judgments included in this publication offer a fascinating insight into the way our courts have delved in the subject.” – Chief Justice Emerit...
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A Commentary on the Constitution of Malta
Tonio Borg€70.00This is the first analysis of the Constitution of Malta, article by article. The author comments on all the 124 articles, with references to author...
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