About Hans-Peter Eckle
Hans-Peter Eckles is Adjunct Professor at Ulm University. His research is focused on exactly solvable and integrable models of strongly interacting quantum systems, especially quantum optical models in collaboration with University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He organises and teaches at summer schools in Ireland and Turkey, and is involved with the development and teaching of courses in philosophy of science and research ethics at Ulm University and invited courses on research ethics (e.g. in Aachen, Berlin, Dresden, Freiburg, Göttingen, and Konstanz).
Previously, he has taught and conducted research in theoretical physics at Princeton University, University of Arizona, USA, Australian National University and University of New South Wales, Sydney, University, Universities of Tours and Nancy, France, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and University of Hannover and Free University Berlin, Germany.