Ordered Regression Models | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Andrew Fullerton
A01=Andrew S. Fullerton
A01=Jun Xu
Adjacent Category Logit Model
Adjacent Category Model
Adjacent Models
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Andrew Fullerton
Author_Andrew S. Fullerton
Author_Jun Xu
Average Marginal Effects
Binary Regression Models
Brant Test
Complementary Log Log
Complementary Log Log Model
Constrained Partial
Continuation Ratio
Continuation Ratio Logit Model
Continuation Ratio Models
COP=United States
Cumulative Logit
Cumulative Logit Model
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
General Self-rated Health
Heterogeneous Choice Model
Highest Density Intervals
IIA Assumption
LR Test
Nonlinear Probability Models
Ordered Regression Models
Ordinal Outcomes
Parallel Assumption
Parallel Regression Assumption
Price_€50 to €100
SE Coef

Ordered Regression Models

Estimate and Interpret Results from Ordered Regression Models

Ordered Regression Models: Parallel, Partial, and Non-Parallel Alternatives presents regression models for ordinal outcomes, which are variables that have ordered categories but unknown spacing between the categories. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the three major classes of ordered regression models (cumulative, stage, and adjacent) as well as variations based on the application of the parallel regression assumption.

The authors first introduce the three "parallel" ordered regression models before covering unconstrained partial, constrained partial, and nonparallel models. They then review existing tests for the parallel regression assumption, propose new variations of several tests, and discuss important practical concerns related to tests of the parallel regression assumption. The book also describes extensions of ordered regression models, including heterogeneous choice models, multilevel ordered models, and the Bayesian approach to ordered regression models. Some chapters include brief examples using Stata and R.

This book offers a conceptual framework for understanding ordered regression models based on the probability of interest and the application of the parallel regression assumption. It demonstrates the usefulness of numerous modeling alternatives, showing you how to select the most appropriate model given the type of ordinal outcome and restrictiveness of the parallel assumption for each variable.

Web ResourceMore detailed examples are available on a supplementary website. The site also contains JAGS, R, and Stata codes to estimate the models along with syntax to reproduce the results.

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A01=Andrew FullertonA01=Andrew S. FullertonA01=Jun XuadjacentAdjacent Category Logit ModelAdjacent Category ModelAdjacent ModelsAge Group_UncategorizedassumptionAuthor_Andrew FullertonAuthor_Andrew S. FullertonAuthor_Jun Xuautomatic-updateAverage Marginal EffectsBinary Regression ModelsBrant TestcategoryCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JMBCategory=PBTCategory=PBWcomplementaryComplementary Log LogComplementary Log Log ModelConstrained PartialcontinuationContinuation RatioContinuation Ratio Logit ModelContinuation Ratio ModelsCOP=United StatesCumulative LogitCumulative Logit ModelDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working dayseq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicsGeneral Self-rated HealthhealthHeterogeneous Choice ModelHighest Density IntervalsIIA AssumptionLanguage_EnglishlogitLR TestNonlinear Probability ModelsOrdered Regression ModelsOrdinal OutcomesPA=AvailableparallelParallel AssumptionParallel Regression AssumptionPrice_€50 to €100PS=ActiveratioSE Coefself-ratedsoftlaunch
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 498g
  • Dimensions: 178 x 254mm
  • Publication Date: 05 Apr 2016
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781466569737

About Andrew FullertonAndrew S. FullertonJun Xu

Andrew S. Fullerton is an associate professor of sociology at Oklahoma State University. His primary research interests include work and occupations, social stratification, and quantitative methods. His work has been published in journals such as Social Forces, Social Problems, Sociological Methods & Research, Public Opinion Quarterly, and Social Science Research.

Jun Xu is an associate professor of sociology at Ball State University. His primary research interests include Asia and Asian Americans, social epidemiology, and statistical modeling and programing. His work has been published in journals such as Social Forces, Social Science & Medicine, Sociological Methods & Research, Social Science Research, and The Stata Journal.

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