Queer Footprints | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Dan Glass
A12=Mark Glasgow
acid drag
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all the places mentioned in the book
Author_Dan Glass
Author_Mark Glasgow
bethnal green history
bimini bon boulash
british drag queens
british queer art
british queer community
british queer history
british queer nightlife
brixton history
COP=United Kingdom
Damron Guides
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drag queens
Gay History
gay london
gay pride
gay protest
gay revolution
Gay trails
Gay walking london
Gay walking tour London
lgbtq clubs
lgbtq nightlife
lgbtqia+ history
LGTBQ trails
LGTBQ walking tour
london gay area
london gentrification
london pride
london social history
London Walking
london walking guides
London walking tour
Lonely Planet
Moon Travel
NFT (Not for Tourists)
Out Traveler
Pink Dollar
Price_€10 to €20
Pride (movie)
Queer city trails london
queer community
Queer friendly walking tour
queer history
queer history london
queer london
queer nightlife
queer oral history
Queer trails
Rebel Dykes
ru paul's drag race
Section 28
soho history
Soho walking tour
travelgay london
Travels of Adam
Vauxhall walking tour
Walking guide

Queer Footprints


By (author): Dan Glass Mark Glasgow

Illustrated by: Mark Glasgow

This groundbreaking guide will take you through the city streets to uncover the scandalous, hilarious and empowering events of London's queerstory. Follow in the footprints of veteran activists, such as those who marched in London's first Pride parade in 1972 or witnessed the 1999 bombing of the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho.

Accompanied by a chorus of voices of both iconic and unsung legends of the movement, readers can walk through parts of East, West, South and North London, dipping into beautifully illustrated maps and extraordinary tales of LGBTQIA+ solidarity, protest and pride. The shadows of gentrification, policing, homophobia and racism are time and again resisted.

From the Brixton Fairies to Notting Hill Carnival to world-changing protests in Trafalgar Square, Rebel Dykes to drag queen communes, Queer Footprints celebrates the hidden histories of struggle and joy. Including an accessibility guide and a list of these gems for your pleasure - queer spaces, clubs, networks and resources galore.

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A01=Dan GlassA12=Mark Glasgowacid dragAge Group_Uncategorizedall the places mentioned in the bookAuthor_Dan GlassAuthor_Mark Glasgowautomatic-updatebethnal green historybimini bon boulashbritish drag queensbritish queer artbritish queer communitybritish queer historybritish queer nightlifebrixton historyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HBTBCategory=HBTDCategory=JBSJCategory=JFSKCategory=NHTBCategory=NHTDCategory=WTHCategory=WTHLCOP=United KingdomDamron GuidesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysdrag queenseq_historyeq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicseq_travelG-A-YGay Historygay londongay pridegay protestgay revolutionGay trailsGay walking londonGay walking tour LondonhiddenLanguage_Englishlgbtq clubslgbtq nightlifelgbtqia+ historyLGTBQ trailsLGTBQ walking tourlondon gay arealondon gentrificationlondon pridelondon social historyLondon Walkinglondon walking guidesLondon walking tourLonely PlanetMoon TravelNFT (Not for Tourists)Out TravelerPA=AvailablePink DollarPrice_€10 to €20Pride (movie)PS=ActiveQueer city trails londonqueer communityQueer friendly walking tourqueer historyqueer history londonqueer londonqueer nightlifequeer oral historyQueer trailsRebel Dykesru paul's drag raceSection 28softlaunchsoho historySoho walking tourtravelgay londonTravels of AdamVauxhall walking tourWalking guide
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 1g
  • Dimensions: 129 x 198mm
  • Publication Date: 20 May 2023
  • Publisher: Pluto Press
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780745346212

About Dan GlassMark Glasgow

Dan Glass is an AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) healthcare and human rights activist, performer, presenter and writer. Dan has been recognised as 'Activist of the Year' with the Sexual Freedom Awards and was announced a 'BBC Greater Londoner' for founding Queer Tours of London - A Mince Through Time. His book United Queerdom: From the Legends of the Gay Liberation Front to the Queers of Tomorrow was Observer book of the week. Dan recently founded self-defence empowerment programme Bender Defenders and Queer Night Pride to confront rising hate crime. Follow him @danglassmincer.

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