Janie Wilson received her PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina in 1994. Since that time, she has been teaching and conducting research at Georgia Southern University. In the classroom, Dr. Wilson specializes in teaching and learning in statistics and research methods. Research interests include rapport in teaching based on empirical data on the first day of class, electronic communications, interactions with students in a traditional classroom, syllabus design, and the development and validation of the Professor-Student Rapport Scale. Recent publications include two brief texts with SAGE: An EasyGuide to Research Presentations and An EasyGuide to Research Design and SPSS. Along with her colleague, Shauna Joye, she recently published Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Approach with SAGE. Dr. Wilson has contributed numerous chapters to edited books and has co-edited several books related to teaching and learning. She has published extensively on the scholarship of teaching and learning and has offered over 60 conference presentations, including several invited keynote addresses. Dr. Wilson is the Past President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP), Division Two of APA.
Dr. Shauna Joye
I earned a B.S. in Biology from Georgia Southern University and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Florida State University. During graduate and post-doctoral training, my research and clinical work focused on early childhood learning, attention disorders, temperament, and autism spectrum disorder, with an emphasis on measurement of these constructs. Currently, I am a faculty member at Georgia Southern University, and I examine clinical interventions to enhance self-control, including empirical research in mindfulness. I also work with combat veterans to determine the impact of therapeutic wilderness experiences on wellness. Finally, I continue to pursue a long-standing commitment to teaching and learning through scholarship in that area.
I enjoy working with undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in learning more about the process of research, from study design and analysis to APA-style writing. Outside of teaching at Georgia Southern University, I maintain a private practice where I work as a child and adolescent therapist. My association memberships include the American Psychological Association, Society for Teaching of Psychology, Wilderness Medical Society, and Association for Psychological Science.