Drawing on their daily involvement with defense issues and their interactions with the military and political elements of the national security community, civilian and military defense analysts in the U.S. Army War Colleger Strategic Studies Institute offer a lucid analysis of the complex mosaic of strategic and European defense issues. Their contributions are probing, balanced, and provocative, designed for students of foreign and defense affairs, as well as for policymakers. In the first section of the book, the offensive and defensive aspects of the strategic balance between the United States and the Soviet Union are examined. Going beyond sterile, static weapons counts, the authors address the relationship between the overall disposition of military forces and deterrence and are attentive to possible future developments, including the impact of new technologies and changing Sino-Soviet relations that are likely to affect the U.S.-USSR relationship. The second section of the book focuses on crucial East-West defense issues within Europe: the balance of conventional and theater nuclear forces, prospects for European arms control, the impact of chemical weapons on deterrence and defense, and the fashioning of an effective nonnuclear NATO defense. The book concludes with a chapter that illuminates U.S.-West European historical and cultural divergences, explaining in a new way the political strains that frequently plague the alliance.
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Product Details
Weight: 453g
Dimensions: 136 x 216mm
Publication Date: 31 Oct 2024
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication City/Country: GB
Language: English
ISBN13: 9780367306663
About John M WeinsteinRobert Kennedy
"Dr. Robert Kennedy has published articles on national security issues in a variety of professional journals. He is professor of military strategy in the Department of National Security at the U.S. Army War College, where formerly he was a senior researcher at the Strategic Studies Institute. Dr. John M. Weinstein, author of numerous articles on Soviet and U.S. strategic matters, is a strategic nuclear forces analyst on the Army General Staff. He has taught at several colleges and universities and served as a visiting research professor at the U.S. Army War Colleger Strategic Studies Institute."