Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Norbert Schwarzer
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Animal Kingdom
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Author_Norbert Schwarzer
Corona Virus
Cosmological Constant
Dirac Equation
Einstein Field Equations
Einstein Hilbert Action
Energy Momentum Tensor
Flatness Problem
Higgs Field
Klein Gordon Equation
Lagrange Density
Laplace Function
Nash’s Game Theory
Ordinary Differential Equations
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Price_€50 to €100
Quantum Equation
Quantum Gravity
Ricci Curvature
Ricci Scalar
Spherical Bessel Function
World Formula

Math of Body, Soul, and the Universe


By (author): Norbert Schwarzer

The great German mathematician David Hilbert’s creation, de facto, was—no, is—a theory of everything or world formula, even though he himself had little chance of fully realizing this. Even in physics, where we can now show that Hilbert’s fundamental equation covers both great theories, General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Theory, the time was not ripe for such a discovery, simply because the mathematical apparatus of Quantum Theory was not fully developed then. While Hilbert brought out his great work in 1915 and knew about the Einstein field equations at the time, the basic quantum equations such as the Schrödinger, Klein–Gordon, and Dirac equations would not follow before the second half of the 1920s.

In order to find the mathematical and physical fundament for the description of the body, the soul, and the whole universe, which is to say a "theory of everything," we think that we require "quantum gravity." That such a theory—in principle—already exists and was derived by Hilbert and elaborated in the author’s previous work, The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert’s Stroke of Genius. This book digs deeper and shows not only that quantum gravity is more than just a physical theory—describing physical aspects—but also that, in fact, it covers "it all."

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A01=Norbert SchwarzerADR ReportAge Group_UncategorizedAnimal KingdomArbitrary Space TimesAuthor_Norbert Schwarzerautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PBCCategory=PBWCategory=PHUCategory=PSACOP=SingaporeCorona VirusCosmological ConstantDelivery_Pre-orderDirac EquationEinstein Field EquationsEinstein Hilbert ActionEnergy Momentum Tensoreq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_scienceExtraterrestrialFlatness ProblemHiggs FieldKlein Gordon EquationLagrange DensityLanguage_EnglishLaplace FunctionNash’s Game TheoryOrdinary Differential EquationsPA=Temporarily unavailablePhotonic BackgroundPhotonic SolutionsPrice_€50 to €100PS=ActiveQuantum EquationQuantum GravityRicci CurvatureRicci ScalarsoftlaunchSpherical Bessel FunctionWorld Formula

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Product Details
  • Weight: 1980g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 229mm
  • Publication Date: 27 Dec 2022
  • Publisher: Jenny Stanford Publishing
  • Publication City/Country: SG
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9789814968249

About Norbert Schwarzer

The only thing Norbert Schwarzer considers important enough to be known about him is that he does not consider himself important. Dr. Schwarzer has published a variety of papers, mainly in the fields of basic research and application of contact mechanical approaches for laminates, composites, and layered materials. Because of the need for better stability prediction and socioeconomic models, he started to apply concepts from theoretical physics in more down-to-earth fields such as materials science, school transport, and sales market analysis. Some of this work has finally led to ideas for the improvement of the original theoretical concepts.

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