Theory of Stellar Atmospheres | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Dimitri Mihalas
A01=Ivan Hubeny
Active galactic nucleus
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Astronomical spectroscopy
Atmosphere of Earth
Atomic nucleus
Atomic theory
Author_Dimitri Mihalas
Author_Ivan Hubeny
Celestial mechanics
Compton scattering
Conjunction (astronomy)
COP=United States
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
Dirac equation
Einstein coefficients
Einstein relation (kinetic theory)
Electron magnetic moment
Elliptic orbit
Emission spectrum
Fermi–Dirac statistics
Fusion power
Galactic astronomy
Galaxy rotation curve
Gamma ray
Hyades (star cluster)
Intensity (physics)
Ionization energy
Kinetic theory of gases
Lorentz transformation
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
Neutrino detector
Nuclear density
Nuclear fusion
Optical depth
Orbital plane (astronomy)
Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)
Planetary nebula
Planetary science
Plasma (physics)
Price_€100 and above
Quantum mechanics
Quantum superposition
Radiation damping
Radiation pressure
Radiative transfer
Relativistic quantum mechanics
S-type star
SN=Princeton Series in Astrophysics
Solar luminosity
Solar mass
Spectral line
Spectroscopic notation
Spherical model
Spin–orbit interaction
Stellar atmosphere
Stellar classification
Stellar evolution
Stellar mass
Stellar parallax
Stellar structure
Stellar wind
Substellar object
Synchrotron radiation
Thermodynamic equilibrium
Thermonuclear fusion
Variational method (quantum mechanics)

Theory of Stellar Atmospheres

3.00 (1 ratings by Goodreads)


By (author): Dimitri Mihalas Ivan Hubeny

This book provides an in-depth and self-contained treatment of the latest advances achieved in quantitative spectroscopic analyses of the observable outer layers of stars and similar objects. Written by two leading researchers in the field, it presents a comprehensive account of both the physical foundations and numerical methods of such analyses. The book is ideal for astronomers who want to acquire deeper insight into the physical foundations of the theory of stellar atmospheres, or who want to learn about modern computational techniques for treating radiative transfer in non-equilibrium situations. It can also serve as a rigorous yet accessible introduction to the discipline for graduate students. * Provides a comprehensive, up-to-date account of the field* Covers computational methods as well as the underlying physics* Serves as an ideal reference book for researchers and a rigorous yet accessible textbook for graduate students* An online illustration package is available to professors at See more
Current price €104.99
Original price €105.99
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A01=Dimitri MihalasA01=Ivan HubenyActive galactic nucleusAge Group_UncategorizedAstronomical spectroscopyAstrophysicsAtmosphere of EarthAtomic nucleusAtomic theoryAuthor_Dimitri MihalasAuthor_Ivan Hubenyautomatic-updateCalculationCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PHVBCategory=PNFSCelestial mechanicsChromosphereCompton scatteringConjunction (astronomy)COP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysDirac equationEinstein coefficientsEinstein relation (kinetic theory)Electron magnetic momentElliptic orbitEmission spectrumeq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_scienceFermionFermi–Dirac statisticsFusion powerGalactic astronomyGalaxy rotation curveGamma rayHyades (star cluster)Intensity (physics)IonizationIonization energyKinetic theory of gasesLanguage_EnglishLorentz transformationMaxwell–Boltzmann distributionNeutrinoNeutrino detectorNuclear densityNuclear fusionOptical depthOrbital plane (astronomy)PA=AvailablePerturbation theory (quantum mechanics)PhotonPlanetary nebulaPlanetary sciencePlasma (physics)Price_€100 and aboveProbabilityPS=ActiveQuantum mechanicsQuantum superpositionRadiationRadiation dampingRadiation pressureRadiative transferRelativistic quantum mechanicsS-type starScatteringSN=Princeton Series in AstrophysicssoftlaunchSolar luminositySolar massSpectral lineSpectroscopic notationSpherical modelSpin–orbit interactionStellar atmosphereStellar classificationStellar evolutionStellar massStellar parallaxStellar structureStellar windSubstellar objectSynchrotron radiationTemperatureThermodynamic equilibriumThermonuclear fusionVariational method (quantum mechanics)
Delivery/Collection within 10-20 working days
Product Details
  • Weight: 1559g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 235mm
  • Publication Date: 26 Oct 2014
  • Publisher: Princeton University Press
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780691163291

About Dimitri MihalasIvan Hubeny

Ivan Hubeny is a senior research scientist at the Steward Observatory and adjunct professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona. Dimitri Mihalas (1939-2013) was an astrophysicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. His many books include Stellar Atmospheres and Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics.

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