A01=Donald W. Jugenheimer
A01=Larry D. Kelley
Author_Donald W. Jugenheimer
Author_Larry D. Kelley
About Donald W. JugenheimerJerry HudsonLarry D. KelleySamuel Bradley
Donald W. Jugenheimer is an author, researcher, consultant and educator. His specialties are communication, advertising and media management, media economics and advertising media. He has authord or co-authored 20 books.
Larry D. Kelley is a Professor of Advertising at the University of Houston, USA. He teaches advertising media planning, advertising account planning, and prinicples of advertising, among other classes. He has authored or co-authored 7 books.
Jerry Hudson is Professor of Advertising at Texas Tech University, USA. He teaches advertising, electronic media, research methods, and data analysis, and he has published in Health Marketing Quarterly, Journalism Educator, Journalism Quarterly, Social Science Journal and Southwestern Mass Communications Journal.
Samuel D. Bradley's research has been published in the Journal of Advertising, Media Psychology, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Human Communication Research, among others.