Crisis Elections, New Contenders and Government Formation | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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Alexis Tsipras
Astrid Barrio
Average Marginal Effects
B01=Anna Bosco
B01=Susannah Verney
Centre Periphery Cleavage
CIS Study
COP=United Kingdom
crisis elections
economic crisis
Eftichia Teperoglou
Elisabetta De Giorgi
Emmanouil Tsatsanis
Esquerra Republicana De Catalunya
Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis
Gdp Growth
Gdp Growth Rate
Golden Dawn
government formation process
greek elections
Greek Party System
Guillermo Cordero
IMF Bailout
IMF Lender
IMF Negotiator
Investiture Vote
IU Voter
José Santana-Pereira
Juan Rodríguez-Teruel
Left Wing Parties
Lluis Orriols
Marco Lisi
Mariano Rajoy
Myrto Tsakatika
Online Appendix
Oscar Barberà
PA=Temporarily unavailable
Pablo Simn
Partido Social Democrata
political destabilisation
portuguese far left
Portuguese Party System
Price_€20 to €50
Radical Left Parties
Southern Europe
spanish elections
Spanish Party System
Susannah Verney
Valencian Community
Vice Versa
Yannis Tsirbas

Crisis Elections, New Contenders and Government Formation


The parliamentary elections of 2015–16 in Greece, Spain and Portugal had extraordinary consequences, bringing repeat elections, unprecedented processes of government formation and uncharted government outcomes. Greece formed a coalition of radical left and radical right and Portugal its first government supported by the communist party while Spain took ten months to get a government. These developments are especially astonishing in three states which in previous decades were a byword for democratic stability. After the transitions following the fall of their dictatorships in the 1970s, Greece, Spain and Portugal established bipolar electoral competition and predictable patterns of government formation. But more recently, all three countries have been in the frontline of the economic crisis and austerity implementation, triggering electoral realignments and turning the radical left into a major player. This volume offers essential understanding of the political destabilisation of Southern Europe. It includes detailed analyses of all five ‘crisis elections’ and of Greece’s bailout referendum. It also provides studies of the five ‘new contender’ parties (SYRIZA, Podemos, Ciudadanos, the Bloco Esquerda and the Portuguese Communist Party) which played a key role in government formation for the first time. The chapters originally published as a special issue in South European Society and Politics.

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Age Group_UncategorizedAlexis TsiprasAstrid Barrioautomatic-updateAverage Marginal EffectsB01=Anna BoscoB01=Susannah VerneyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JPCategory=JPFCategory=JPHFCategory=JPLCentre Periphery CleavageCIS StudyCOP=United Kingdomcrisis electionsDelivery_Pre-ordereconomic crisisEftichia TeperoglouElisabetta De GiorgiEmmanouil Tsatsaniseq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicsEsquerra Republicana De CatalunyaEurozone Sovereign Debt CrisisGdp GrowthGdp Growth RateGolden Dawngovernment formation processgreek electionsGreek Party SystemGuillermo CorderoIMF BailoutIMF LenderIMF NegotiatorInvestiture VoteIU VoterJosé Santana-PereiraJuan Rodríguez-TeruelLanguage_EnglishLeft Wing PartiesLluis OrriolsMarco LisiMariano RajoyMyrto TsakatikaOnline AppendixOscar BarberàPA=Temporarily unavailablePablo SimnPartido Social Democratapolitical destabilisationportuguese far leftPortuguese Party SystemPrice_€20 to €50PS=ActiveRadical Left PartiessoftlaunchSouthern Europespanish electionsSpanish Party SystemSusannah VerneysyrizaSYRIZA VotersValencian CommunityVice VersaYannis Tsirbas

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Product Details
  • Weight: 450g
  • Dimensions: 174 x 246mm
  • Publication Date: 19 Dec 2019
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780367892548


Anna Bosco is an Associate Professor at the University of Trieste, Italy. She is co-Editor of the journal South European Society and Politics and of the related Routledge book series.

Susannah Verney is an Assistant Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She is co-Editor of the journal South European Society and Politics and of the related Routledge book series.

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