Assessing for Learning | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Peggy L. Maki
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Age Group_Uncategorized
Alverno College
Analytic Scoring Rubric
Assessing Student Learning
Assessment Committee
Author_Peggy L. Maki
California State University Monterey Bay
Case Study
Co-curricular Design
collaborative assessment process
COP=United States
Core Working Groups
culture of inquiry
curriculum and co-curriculum design
Designing Assessment Methods
Develop Scoring Rubrics
Driving Question
Holistic Scoring Rubric
Improve Student Learning
Institution Level Outcomes
Learning Outcome Statements
Mesa Community College
National Academy
North Carolina State University
outcome statements
PA=Temporarily unavailable
Price_€20 to €50
Program Level Assessment
Program Level Learning Outcomes
Rose Hulman Institute
Scoring Rubrics
teaching and learning
The Bologna Process
the science of learning
University Learning Outcomes

Assessing for Learning


By (author): Peggy L. Maki

While there is consensus that institutions need to represent their educational effectiveness through documentation of student learning, the higher education community is divided between those who support national standardized tests to compare institutions’ educational effectiveness, and those who believe that valid assessment of student achievement is based on assessing the work that students produce along and at the end of their educational journeys. This book espouses the latter philosophy—what Peggy Maki sees as an integrated and authentic approach to providing evidence of student learning based on the work that students produce along the chronology of their learning. She believes that assessment needs to be humanized, as opposed to standardized, to take into account the demographics of institutions, as students do not all start at the same place in their learning. Students also need the tools to assess their own progress. In addition to updating and expanding the contents of her first edition to reflect changes in assessment practices and developments over the last seven years, such as the development of technology-enabled assessment methods and the national need for institutions to demonstrate that they are using results to improve student learning, Maki focuses on ways to deepen program and institution-level assessment within the context of collective inquiry about student learning. Recognizing that assessment is not initially a linear start-up process or even necessarily sequential, and recognizing that institutions develop processes appropriate for their mission and culture, this book does not take a prescriptive or formulaic approach to building this commitment. What it does present is a framework, with examples of processes and strategies, to assist faculty, staff, administrators, and campus leaders to develop a sustainable and shared core institutional process that deepens inquiry into what and how students learn to identify and improve patterns of weakness that inhibit learning. This book is designed to assist colleges and universities build a sustainable commitment to assessing student learning at both the institution and program levels. It provides the tools for collective inquiry among faculty, staff, administrators and students to develop evidence of students’ abilities to integrate, apply and transfer learning, as well as to construct their own meaning. Each chapter also concludes with (1) an Additional Resources section that includes references to meta-sites with further resources, so users can pursue particular issues in greater depth and detail and (2) worksheets, guides, and exercises designed to build collaborative ownership of assessment.The second edition now covers: * Strategies to connect students to an institution’s or a program’s assessment commitment* Description of the components of a comprehensive institutional commitment that engages the institution, educators, and students--all as learners* Expanded coverage of direct and indirect assessment methods, including technology-enabled methods that engage students in the process* New case studies and campus examples covering undergraduate, graduate education, and the co-curriculum* New chapter with case studies that presents a framework for a backward designed problem-based assessment process, anchored in answering open-ended research or study questions that lead to improving pedagogy and educational practices* Integration of developments across professional, scholarly, and accrediting bodies, and disciplinary organizations* Descriptions and illustrations of assessment management systems* Additional examples, exercises, guides and worksheets that align with new content

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A01=Peggy L. MakiAge Group_UncategorizedAlverno CollegeAnalytic Scoring RubricAssessing Student LearningAssessment CommitteeAuthor_Peggy L. Makiautomatic-updateBGSUCalifornia State University Monterey BayCase StudyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JNDHCategory=JNKDCategory=JNMCo-curricular Designcollaborative assessment processCOP=United StatesCore Working Groupsculture of inquirycurriculum and co-curriculum designDelivery_Pre-orderDesigning Assessment MethodsDevelop Scoring RubricsDriving Questioneq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicsHolistic Scoring RubricImprove Student LearningInstitution Level OutcomesLanguage_EnglishLearning Outcome Statementslearning-centerednessMesa Community CollegeNational AcademyNorth Carolina State Universityoutcome statementsPA=Temporarily unavailablePRGPrice_€20 to €50Program Level AssessmentProgram Level Learning OutcomesPS=ActiveRose Hulman InstituteScoring Rubricssoftlaunchteaching and learningThe Bologna Processthe science of learningUniversity Learning Outcomes

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Product Details
  • Weight: 650g
  • Dimensions: 222 x 285mm
  • Publication Date: 23 Nov 2010
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781579224417

About Peggy L. Maki

Peggy L. Maki, PhD in literature and linguistics, University of Delaware, writes, speaks about, and consults with higher education organizations and institutions on the process of assessing student learning, an internally motivated and shared commitment to currently enrolled students’ equitable progress toward achieving high-quality learning outcomes. She has consulted at over 610 institutions in the United States and abroad and has written books and articles on assessment for more than 20 years. Her previous book, Real-Time Student Assessment: Meeting the Imperative for Improved Time to Degree, Closing the Opportunity Gap, and Assuring Student Competencies for 21st-Century Needs (Stylus, 2017), challenges institutions to prioritize the use of chronological assessment results to benefit enrolled students compared with the more common practice of prolonged assessment cycles that generally benefit future students. She served as the former American Association for Higher Education’s (AAHE) senior scholar on assessment; a consultant in the Association of American Colleges & Universities’ (AAC&U’s) annual General Education and Assessment Institutes; and a member of several advisory boards, including one for the Lumina Foundation. Currently, she serves on the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) advisory board. Recently an accredited organization in the United Kingdom invited her to design and teach online professional development courses and workshops among those it offers worldwide to higher education. She is the recipient of a national teaching award, the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching.

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