Experimental Psychology
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Oxford University Press Inc€117.99Attention has been one of the most popular subjects in basic cognitive-psychology research, and so its study has generated much empirical data and ...
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Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior
Oxford University Press Inc€107.99Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior brings together, for the first time, the experiments and theories that have created the new science of rules. ...
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Color Ordered
Andreas Schwarz€195.30Since antiquity, people have searched for a way to understand the colours we see-what they are, how many there are, and how they can be systematica...
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Sizing up Consciousness
Giulio Tononi€47.99Everyone knows what consciousness is: it is what vanishes when we fall into dreamless sleep and reappears when we wake up or when we dream. However...
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Unity of Consciousness
Chris Frith€82.99Consciousness has many elements, from sensory experiences such as vision, audition, and bodily sensation, to nonsensory aspects such as volition, e...
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How Homo Became Sapiens
Oxford University Press€70.99Our ability to think is one of our most puzzling characteristics. What it would be like to be unable to think? What would it be like to lack self-a...
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Touch, Representation, and Blindness
Oxford University Press€90.99Psychological studies of touch and blindness have been fraught with controversy. Within this field there remains an important theoretical divide. M...
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Vision Research
Oxford University Press€127.99Vision research is one of the largest and most active areas within brain research. Psychologists, neuroscientists, opthamologists and optometrists,...
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Episodic Memory
Oxford University Press€80.99The term 'episodic memory' refers to our memory for unique, personal experiences, that we can date at some point in our past - our first day at sch...
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Mystery of The Moon Illusion
Cornelis Plug€140.99For thousands of years, one scientific puzzle has fascinated and perplexed the greatest philosophers, mathematicians, physicists, and psychologists...
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Neuroscience of Social Interaction
Oxford University Press€112.99Humans, like other primates, are intensely social creatures. One of the main functions of our brains is to enable us to be as skilful in social int...
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Crossmodal Space and Crossmodal Attention
Oxford University Press€96.99Many organisms possess multiple sensory systems, such as vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The possession of such multiple ways of sensing ...
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Folk Physics for Apes
Oxford University Press€112.99From an early age, humans know a surprising amount about basic physical principles, such as gravity, force, mass, and shape. We can see this in the...
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Animal Innovation
Oxford University Press€73.99In 1953 a young female Japanese macaque called Imo began washing sweet potatoes before eating them, presumably to remove dirt and sand grains. Soon...
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Sleep and Brain Plasticity
Oxford University Press€142.99Sleep has long been a topic of fascination for artists and scientists. Why do we sleep? What function does sleep serve? Why do we dream? What signi...
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Cognitive Neuroscience of Music
Oxford University Press€117.99Music offers a unique opportunity to better understand the organization of the human brain. Like language, music exists in all human societies. Lik...
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Cognitive Neuroscience of Music
Oxford University Press€170.50Music offers an opportunity to better understand the organization of the human brain. Like language, music exists in all human societies. Like lang...
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Attention: Selection, Awareness, and Control
Oxford University Press€135.99Donald Broadbent made a major and lasting contribution to the field of applied psychology during his long career. This book brings together many ot...
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Colour Perception
Oxford University Press€300.70Colour has long been a source of fascination to both scientists and philosophers. In one sense, colours are in the mind of the beholder, in another...
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Science and Psychology of Music Performance
Oxford University Press Inc€97.99Music educators and practicing musicians have failed to benefit as much as they could from the past two decades of music psychology research. In th...
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Adapted Mind
Oxford University Press Inc€90.99Anthropologists have long recognized that cultural evolution critically depends on the transmission and generation of information. However, between...
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Classification and Cognition
W. K. Estes€59.99Understanding classification is a major challenge for formulating theories of both human cognition and artificial intelligence. Classification is a...
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Rethinking Implicit Memory
Oxford University Press€65.99Implicit memory refers to a change in task performance due to an earlier experience that is not consciously remembered. The topic of implicit memor...
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Beginning to Spell
Rebecca Treiman€170.50This groundbreaking study on the psycholinguistics of spelling presents the author's original empirical research on spelling and supplies the theor...
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