Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me
Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me features a diverse group of children, celebrates each child’s unique strengths, and promotes inclusion, acceptance and friendship.
Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me is the first book written by Becky Zingale. Becky’s husband, Duane, and their younger daughter have the same syndrome as the main character in the book and movie Wonder. Becky wanted to a similar book for a younger audience. She looked for children’s books with pictures of children who have facial differences and wear Bone Anchored Hearing Aids. Unable to find any such books, Becky’s husband Duane, encouraged her to create the solution, by writing children’s books to share the stories of their family and friends. Becky wanted not only her own daughter, but all children, to see themselves in Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me whether they connect with a character’s personal challenges, physical appearance, or personality.
If you are a parent, teacher, or medical professional assisting a child who has special needs, or feels a bit different, Wonderfully Different, Wonderfully Me will inspire your child on their journey.
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