New Paradigm Psychology of Reasoning | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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B01=David Over
B01=Jean-François Bonnefon
B01=Shira Elqayam
Bayes Net
Belief Revision
Case Study
Causal Bayes Nets
Conditional Event
Conditional Inference
Conditional Probability
Conditional Reasoning
COP=United Kingdom
De Finetti
De Neys
Deduction Paradigm
degrees of belief
Deontic Reasoning
dual process theories
dual processing
Dynamic Inference
Indicative Conditionals
JDM Research
Matching Heuristic
Material Conditional
MP Inference
new paradigm
PA=Temporarily unavailable
Paradigm Psychology
Price_€20 to €50
Ramsey Test
Scope Ambiguities
Selection Task
Sesamoid Bones
social pragmatics
subjective psychological values
Thinking & Reasoning
Truth Table

New Paradigm Psychology of Reasoning


In recent years the psychology of reasoning has undergone radical change, which can only be seen as a Kuhn-style scientific revolution. This shift has been dubbed ‘New Paradigm’. For years, psychologists of reasoning focused on binary truth values and regarded the influence of belief as a bias. In contrast to this, the new paradigm puts probabilities, and subjective degrees of belief, centre stage. It also emphasises subjective psychological value, or utility; the way we reason within our own social environment (‘social pragmatics’); and the crucial role of dual process theories. Such theories distinguish between fast, intuitive processes, and effortful processes which enable hypothetical thinking.

The new paradigm aims to integrate the psychology of reasoning with the study of judgement and decision making, leading to a much more unified field of higher mental processing. This collection showcases these recent developments, with chapters on topics such as the difference between deduction and induction, a Bayesian formulation of faint praise, the role of emotion in reasoning, and the relevance of psychology of reasoning to moral judgement. This book was originally published as a special issue of Thinking & Reasoning.

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Age Group_Uncategorizedautomatic-updateB01=David OverB01=Jean-François BonnefonB01=Shira ElqayamBayes NetBelief RevisionCase StudyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HPMCategory=JMRCategory=JMRNCategory=QDTMCausal Bayes NetsConditional EventConditional InferenceConditional ProbabilityConditional ReasoningCOP=United KingdomDe FinettiDe NeysDeduction Paradigmdegrees of beliefDelivery_Pre-orderDeontic Reasoningdual process theoriesdual processingDynamic Inferenceeq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicsIndicative ConditionalsJDM ResearchLanguage_EnglishMatching HeuristicMaterial ConditionalMP Inferencenew paradigmPA=Temporarily unavailableParadigm PsychologyPrice_€20 to €50PS=ActiveRamsey TestreasoningScope AmbiguitiesSelection TaskSesamoid Bonessocial pragmaticssoftlaunchsubjective psychological valuesthinkingThinking & ReasoningTruth Tableutility

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Product Details
  • Weight: 460g
  • Dimensions: 156 x 234mm
  • Publication Date: 04 Sep 2018
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780367023829


Shira Elqayam is a Reader in Cognitive Science at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Her work focuses on reasoning, normative thinking, and rationality.

Jean-François Bonnefon is a Senior Research Scientist at the Toulouse School of Economics, France, where he studies the psychology of rational thinking and behavior.

David Over is an Emeritus Professor in the Psychology Department at Durham University, UK. His main focus is on the psychology of reasoning.

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