Electron Density | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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B01=Debdutta Chakraborty
B01=Pratim Kumar Chattaraj
Catastrophe theory
conceptual DFT
COP=United States
Coulomb Green's function
density functional theory
Electronic Excited states
electrostatic potential
Kohn Sham inversion problem
Levy-Perdew-Sahni equation
molecular magnetism
multi-scale simulation
PA=Not yet available
pancake bonding interaction
Price_€100 and above
relativistic reduced density matrix
relativistic treatment of many-electron system

Electron Density


Discover theoretical, methodological, and applied perspectives on electron density studies and density functional theory

Electron density or the single particle density is a 3D function even for a many-electron system. Electron density contains all information regarding the ground state and also about some excited states of an atom or a molecule. All the properties can be written as functionals of electron density, and the energy attains its minimum value for the true density. It has been used as the basis for a quantum chemical computational method called Density Functional Theory, or DFT, which can be used to determine various properties of molecules. DFT brings out a drastic reduction in computational cost due to its reduced dimensionality. Thus, DFT is considered to be the workhorse for modern computational chemistry, physics as well as materials science.

Electron Density: Concepts, Computation and DFT Applications offers an introduction to the foundations and applications of electron density studies and analysis. Beginning with an overview of major methodological and conceptual issues in electron density, it analyzes DFT and its major successful applications. The result is a state-of-the-art reference for a vital tool in a range of experimental sciences.

Readers will also find:

  • A balance of fundamentals and applications to facilitate use by both theoretical and computational scientists
  • Detailed discussion of topics including the Levy-Perdew-Sahni equation, the Kohn Sham Inversion problem, and more
  • Analysis of DFT applications including the determination of structural, magnetic, and electronic properties

Electron Density: Concepts, Computation and DFT Applications is ideal for academic researchers in quantum, theoretical, and computational chemistry and physics.

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Age Group_Uncategorizedautomatic-updateB01=Debdutta ChakrabortyB01=Pratim Kumar ChattarajCatastrophe theoryCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PNRconceptual DFTCOP=United StatesCoulomb Green's functionDelivery_Pre-orderdensity functional theoryDFTElectronic Excited stateselectrostatic potentialeq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_scienceKohn Sham inversion problemLanguage_EnglishLevy-Perdew-Sahni equationmechanochemistrymolecular magnetismmulti-scale simulationPA=Not yet availablepancake bonding interactionPrice_€100 and abovePS=Forthcomingrelativistic reduced density matrixrelativistic treatment of many-electron systemsoftlaunch

Will deliver when available. Publication date 08 Aug 2024

Product Details
  • Weight: 1606g
  • Dimensions: 185 x 261mm
  • Publication Date: 08 Aug 2024
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781394217625


Pratim Kumar Chattaraj, PhD, is a distinguished visiting Professor at Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, India. He was an Institute Chair Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. He is a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry, and all three science academies of India, as well as a Sir J.C. Bose National Fellow.

Debdutta Chakraborty, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, India.

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