Biological Psychology | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Alison Cooper
A01=Jonathan Lee
A01=Suzanne Higgs
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Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Alison Cooper
Author_Jonathan Lee
Author_Suzanne Higgs
behavioural genetics
biological basis of disorders
biological psychology applications
COP=United Kingdom
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drug use
eating disorders
mirror neurons
nervous system structure and communication
Price_€100 and above
psychobiology of pain
sleep cycles
sleep disturbances

Biological Psychology

Biological Psychology offers a highly visual, in-depth guide to the basic biological functions of the brain that you will need to learn throughout the course of your psychology degree. This edition boasts a revamped learning structure with a strong applied focus. This allows you to engage with biological psychology through a range of real world applications, getting you to apply your learning to conditions such as epilepsy, PTSD and Parkinson’s, and treatments such as gene therapy and brain-computer interfaces for spinal cord injuries.  

Key features include: 

• New ′real world applications′ boxes that help put theory into practice, showing you the human side of the science
• ′Focus on methods′ boxes that demonstrate the research methods you will use as a biological psychologist to uncover the workings of the brain 
• Key debates to deepen your understanding of contemporary research and its impact  
• Critical thinking questions
• Key points and glossary definitions to solidify your understanding of complex ideas and new terminology
• Further reading suggestions to help build your bibliography for assignments
• Video animations to help you grasp basic neuroanatomy and psychobiology 

This book goes above and beyond to familiarise you with the links between biology and psychology, making it an essential read for psychology students at all levels.

Suzanne Higgs is Professor in the Psychobiology of Appetite at the University of Birmingham.
Alison Cooper is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham. 
Jonathan Lee is Professor of Memory Neuroscience at the University of Birmingham.
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A01=Alison CooperA01=Jonathan LeeA01=Suzanne HiggsaddictionsAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Alison CooperAuthor_Jonathan LeeAuthor_Suzanne Higgsautomatic-updatebehavioural geneticsbiological basis of disordersbiological psychology applicationsbiopsychologyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JMMCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysdrug useeating disorderseq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_society-politicsLanguage_Englishmirror neuronsnervous system structure and communicationneuroanatomyPA=AvailablePrice_€100 and abovePS=Activepsychobiologypsychobiology of painpsychopharmacologyPTSDsleep cyclessleep disturbancessoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 1520g
  • Dimensions: 189 x 246mm
  • Publication Date: 23 Feb 2023
  • Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781529795158

About Alison CooperJonathan LeeSuzanne Higgs

Professor Suzanne Higgs has a degree in Psychology, Philosophy and Physiology from the Univer­sity of Oxford, UK. During her degree she became fascinated by the effects of drugs on the brain and behaviour, which motivated her to pursue a PhD in Psychopharmacology at the University of Durham. After her PhD, she worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford before moving to the University of Birmingham, UK to take up a faculty position in the School of Psychology. She has taught at all levels on the BSc in Psychology programme at Birmingham and has over 20 years of lecturing experience. She specialises in teaching psychopharmacology and the biological bases of motivated behaviours, in particular, the psychobiology of appetite, which is the topic of her research. Dr Alison Cooper’s interest in Neuroscience began during her Natural Sciences degree when she accidentally found herself studying the properties of neurones that form the circuit that controls grasshopper movement. She pursued an interest in understanding how the activity of neuronal cells could underpin behaviour for her PhD by researching the properties and functions of the parts of the brain that contribute to human motor behaviour. During this time, she became interested in neuropharmacology, and the link between synaptic neurotransmission and human function/ dysfunction has remained the focus of her thoughts. Following various Postdoctoral positions, she took an ever-greater role in Neuroscience education of undergraduates in various professional and non-professional undergraduate programmes. In recent years she has used her experience to extend her interest in education to the public who want to understand their own or others’ brains through public engagement in person and, globally, through online courses. Professor Jonathan Lee has a degree in Natural Sciences, specialising in Neuroscience, from the University of Cambridge. He has always been interested in the value of studying biological mechanisms in order to understand behaviour. This interest has been particularly focused on unconscious memories and their impact on behaviour. In his PhD and Postdoctoral research, also at the University of Cambridge, he studied the contribution of gene expression and pharmacological mechanisms in the processes underlying long-term fear and addictive drug memories. He has continued these research interests since moving to the University of Birmingham, using his research experience to teach an introduction to Biological Psychology in the BSc Psychology programme.

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