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A01=Atsuya Muranaka
A01=John Mack
A01=Nagao Kobayashi
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Author_Atsuya Muranaka
Author_John Mack
Author_Nagao Kobayashi
COP=United Kingdom
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Price_€100 and above

Circular Dichroism and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists

CD and MCD spectroscopy can provide key information about the conformations and electronic states of chromophore containing molecules. However, the theory has remained too challenging and inaccessible for many organic chemists and biochemists and only a few researchers have carried out detailed quantitative analyses of their spectral data. This is not surprising as people who excel at spectroscopic theory usually lack the skills set required to design and synthesise the molecules that would be most appropriate for describing and explaining the theory of CD and MCD spectroscopy. Most of the books that have been written on the subject have, therefore, been based on very dense sets of mathematical equations. This timely book rectifies that situation by summarizing the relationship between the different types of spectra and by describing in detail the qualitative and quantitative methods which can readily be used to analyse CD and MCD spectral data. During the last decade the authors have successfully synthesized several molecules to illustrate key points related to the theory of CD and MCD spectroscopy, resulting in this definitive book providing key practical knowledge in a readily accessible style. It is aimed primarily at organic chemists and biochemists and provides the required reading for researchers active in the field. In the introduction, the book describes the types of information that can be derived from CD and MCD spectroscopy. After a detailed explanation of the theory of electronic absorption spectroscopy, it then provides practical in depth examples of the various analytical methods that can be carried out with CD and MCD spectral data. This makes the theory of these techniques much more accessible for researchers who do not specialise in physical chemistry.

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Current price €107.34
Original price €112.99
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A01=Atsuya MuranakaA01=John MackA01=Nagao KobayashiAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Atsuya MuranakaAuthor_John MackAuthor_Nagao Kobayashiautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PNFSCategory=PNKCategory=PNNCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€100 and abovePS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 1064g
  • Dimensions: 156 x 234mm
  • Publication Date: 25 Nov 2011
  • Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781847558695

About Atsuya MuranakaJohn MackNagao Kobayashi

Nagao Kobayashi is in the Department of Chemistry at the Graduate School of Science Tohoku University Sendai Japan. He received his D.Sc. on the magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) of catalase and peroxidase in 1978 and a second Dr. of Pharmacy degree on the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen using water-soluble porphyrins and phthalocyanines in 1986 from Tohoku University. He has written papers for the journals - JACS Angew. Chem. and the Chem. Eur. J. and has had a large number of papers published in other high impact factor journals such as Inorg. Chem.J. Phys. Chem. and Chem. Commun. Overall he has authored about 300 original research papers and has written more than 20 book chapters and reviews on the synthesis and spectroscopy of porphyrins phthalocyanines and cyclodextrins. In 2006 he received a Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work in the Field for research involving CD and MCD spectroscopy. The core focus of his research has been the use of electronic absorption CD and MCD spectroscopy and electrochemical methods to study metal porphyrinoid complexes. Atsuya Muranaka is at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (Riken) Wako-shi Saitama Japan. He received his B.Sc. degree from Tohoku University in 1999 and received a Ph.D. degree on the CD and MCD studies of oligomeric porphyrins and phthalocyanines from the same university in 2006. Since June 2004 he has been an assistant professor initially working with Prof. N. Kobayashi at Tohoku University and then since August 2007 with Prof. Masanobu Uchiyama at RIKEN. He was awarded poster prizes during the International Conferences on Circular Dichroism in 2003 and 2007. In 2003-2004 he spent a year as a visiting researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Arnout Ceulemans at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium after receiving funding from the university as a distinguished PhD course student. His current research interests lie in the synthesis spectroscopy and theoretical studies of porphyrinoids and various element-containing aromatic molecules. He has published many original research papers in high impact journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. Inorg. Chem. J. Phys. Chem. J. Org. Chem and Chem. Eur. J.

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