Terrorism, Armed Struggle
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Psychology of Terrorism
Oxford University Press Inc€137.99The past decade has witnessed a dramatic transformation in the nature and use of political terrorism. Psychology of Terrorism is an indispensable r...
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Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World
Anthony Olcott€43.99The amount of publicly and often freely available information is staggering. Yet, the intelligence community still continues to collect and use inf...
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Reliving Karbala
Syed Akbar Hyder€44.99In 680 C.E., a small band of the Prophet Muhammads family and their followers, led by his grandson, Husain, rose up in a rebellion against the ruli...
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Riots, Pogroms, Jihad
John T. Sidel€33.99In October 2002 a bomb blast in a Balinese nightclub killed more than two hundred people, many of them young Australian tourists. This event and su...
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Stefan Aust€41.99The Baader-Meinhof Group--later known as the Red Army Faction (RAF)--was a violent urban guerilla group which terrorized Germany in the 1970s and '...
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Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation
Bristol University Press€33.99EPUB and EPDF available open access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. How can we use evidence to improve deradicalisation and violence prevention outcomes...
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The Rise of Devils: Fear and the Origins of Modern Terrorism
James CrosslandCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50'Punctuated by the stories of a host of interesting and extraordinary characters, Crossland has produced a fascinating exploration of the long nine...
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Terrorists as Monsters
Marco Pinfari€110.99From the chilling threats of the "ISIS vampire" to the view of al-Qaeda as the "Frankenstein the CIA created," terrorism seems to be inextricably b...
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CTS and Right-Wing Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Taylor & Francis Ltd€179.80This volume is a timely contribution to the current debates and potential efforts to study and counter the phenomena of extreme right violence in a...
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Wrong Hands
Ann Larabee€41.99In 1885, there was The Science of Revolutionary Warfare. In 1971, there was The Anarchist Cookbook. In 2012, the Boston Marathon bombers turned to ...
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Conceptualizing Terrorism
Anthony Richards€115.99Conceptualizing Terrorism argues that, in the post 9/11 world, the need for an internationally agreed definition of terrorism is more important tha...
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Into the Darkness:
Peter Zimonjic€19.99On the morning of 7 July 2005, Peter Zimonjic, a Canadian journalist living and working in London, was travelling on an eastbound Circle line train...
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Be Very Afraid
Oxford University Press Inc€38.99Robert Wuthnow has been praised as one of "the country's best social scientists" by columnist David Brooks, who hails his writing as "tremendously ...
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States in Disguise
Oxford University Press Inc€140.99There is a long history of state governments providing support to nonstate armed groups fighting battles in other countries. Examples include Syria...
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Talking to Terrorists
Inigo Gurruchaga€67.99The peace agreement in Northern Ireland has been held up as a beacon for conflict resolution around the world. The lessons of Ulster have been appl...
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Oxford University Press Inc€127.99Islamophobia has been on the rise since September 11, as seen in countless cases of discrimination, racism, hate speeches, physical attacks, and an...
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Politics of Chaos in the Middle East
Olivier Roy€25.99Olivier Roy argues that the unintended and unforeseen consequences of the 'war on terror' have artificially conflated conflicts in the Middle East ...
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Landscapes of the Jihad
Faisal Devji€19.99The militant Islam represented by Al Qaeda is often described as a global movement. Apart from the geographical range of its operations and support...
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Terrorist Hunters
Andy Hayman€12.99Assistant Commissioner Andy Hayman, CBE, QPM, was in overall command of the UK's national counter-terrorism offensive, at the centre of every major...
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Smoke and Mirrors
Frank P. Harvey€65.99The threat of terrorism has become a fact of life for American citizens and, by extension, an important issue for current and future U.S. governmen...
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