Shaping a Global Theological Mind | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
Ada María Isasi-Díaz
Advaita Vedanta
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Amos Yong
Andrew Sung Park
Andrés Quetzalcatl Guerrero
B01=Darren C. Marks
Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev
C. René Padilla
Carl E. Braaten
Christendom Model
Contemporary African Theologians
COP=United States
Dalit Theology
Dirkie Smit
Dutch Reformed Mission Church
Emmanuel Katongole
Gerhard Sauter
Global Theological
Global Theological Mind
Graham Ward
Hindu Christian Studies
Hwa Yung
John W. DeGruchy
K.P. Aleaz
Katie Geneva Cannon
Latin American Liberation Theology
Lausanne Covenant
Lo Cotidiano
Luther's Small Catechism
Minjung Theology
Mujerista Theology
Nelson Mandela
Nyambura J. Njoroge
PA=Temporarily unavailable
Pluralistic Inclusivism
Pneumatological Imagination
Price_€100 and above
R.S. Sugirtharajah
Reactive Margins
S.J. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Sallie McFague
Supreme Atman
Theological Activity
United Theological Seminary
Von Balthasar
Wanda Deifelt
Wati Longchar
West Germany
Znamenny Chant

Shaping a Global Theological Mind


Theological thinkers are placed into contexts which inform their theological tasks but that context is usually limited to a European or North American centre, usually ignoring minorities and lesser mainstream theologies even in that context. This work focuses on the shift of Christian theological thinking from the North Atlantic to the Global South, even within the North Atlantic Church and Academy. It gives a Global perspective on theological work, method and context. Theologians from North America, Great Britain and Europe, Africa, Asia, Central and South America comment on how their specific context and methodology manifests, organizes and is prioritized in their thought so as to make Christian theology relevant to their community. By placing the Global South alongside the newly emerging presence of non-traditional Western forms such as Pentecostal, Aboriginal, and Hispanic theologies and theologians a clearer picture of how Christian theology is both enculturated and still familial is offered.. See more
Ada María Isasi-DíazAdvaita VedantaAge Group_UncategorizedAmos YongAndrew Sung ParkAndrés Quetzalcatl Guerreroautomatic-updateB01=Darren C. MarksBishop Hilarion AlfeyevC. René PadillaCarl E. BraatenCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HRLBCategory=QRVGChristendom ModelContemporary African TheologiansCOP=United StatesDalit TheologyDelivery_Pre-orderDirkie SmitDutch Reformed Mission ChurchEmmanuel Katongoleeq_isMigrated=2Gerhard SauterGlobal TheologicalGlobal Theological MindGraham WardHindu Christian StudiesHwa YungJohn W. DeGruchyK.P. AleazKatie Geneva CannonLanguage_EnglishLatin American Liberation TheologyLausanne CovenantLo CotidianoLuther's Small CatechismMinjung TheologyMujerista TheologyNelson MandelaNyambura J. NjorogePA=Temporarily unavailablePluralistic InclusivismPneumatological ImaginationPrice_€100 and abovePS=ActiveR.S. SugirtharajahReactive MarginsS.J. Agbonkhianmeghe E. OrobatorSallie McFaguesoftlaunchSupreme AtmanTheological ActivitytheologyUnited Theological SeminaryVon BalthasarWanda DeifeltWati LongcharWest GermanyZnamenny Chant

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Product Details
  • Weight: 550g
  • Dimensions: 152 x 235mm
  • Publication Date: 29 Nov 2017
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780815397045

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