About Abhishek Majumdar
Abhishek Majumdar is a playwright, theatre director and scenographer. He is the artistic director of Nalanda Arts Studio Bangalore and Program Head of the Theater Program at New York University in Abu Dhabi. As a writer, his theatre includes: Pah-La (Royal Court); Djinns of Eidgah (Royal Court & Writers’ Bloc Festival, Mumbai/Hindu MetroPlus Theatre Festival, Bangalore/Hamilton Fringe Festival, Ontario); The Ocean (Royal Court); Pratidwandi (& Dharwad Theatre Festival); Lucknow ‘76 (& Alliance Francaise, Bangalore); Harlesden High Street (& Tara Arts); An Arrangement of Shoes (& Cock Tavern/Theatre503/Edinburgh Festival Fringe/Exeter Fringe Festival/Acoustic Arts Festival); Niharika and Dweepa (Ranga Shankara, Bangalore); Land of Ups & Downs (Headstart Academy, Bangalore); Linea Historica/The Prophet (Festival Internacional de Dramaturgia, Buenos Aires); 399 (Climate Change Theatre Action); 9 Kinds of Silence (Playco, New York); Kaumudi (Indian Ensemble); Muktidham (Indian Ensemble); Tathagat (Jan Natya Manch, Delhi). He writes in English, Hindi, Urdu and Bangla. His work has been translated to English, Hindi, French, Spanish, Kannada, Bengali, Czech, Ukranian, Gujrati, Tamil, Telegu Kashmiri and Tibetan, amongst other languages.