Birth of Economics as a Social Science | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Francesca Dal Degan
Accademia Dei Georgofili
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Author_Francesca Dal Degan
Bibliotheque Britannique
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Civic Education
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economic discourse
economic thought
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inclusive economics
JS Mill
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La Terre
labor market
Mme De Stael
Multidimensional Scenarios
Nouveaux Principes
PA=Temporarily unavailable
political thought
Price_€20 to €50
Reciprocal Independence
Republican Direction
Richesse Commerciale
Rousseau’s Social Contract Theory
social organisations
Surplus Gains

Birth of Economics as a Social Science


By (author): Francesca Dal Degan

Although considered a classic thinker, Sismondi is seldom discussed, at least in English. In this context, this volume offers a key reference work on the intellectual and economic contribution of Sismondi to the economic, political, and social sciences. The book explores his works in order to rediscover the direction of a viable path to individual and public happiness.

Through examining Sismondi’s work, The Birth of Economics as a Social Science contributes to the current debate on the relationships between liberty, interpersonal relations, and wealth. Moreover, Dal Degan presents an analytical and historical example of the ways in which an author from the past attempted to connect these aspects in his scientific discourse. The first part of the book focuses on Sismondi’s political thought, paying particular attention to the different cultural and political traditions that pepper the author’s reflections on the conditions for liberty. The second part analyzes the epistemological view underlying how Sismondi’s historical method and multidisciplinary approach respond to the need to base economic discourse on a contextual and causal analysis that also addresses the historical and institutional structure of social organizations. Finally, the third part of the book is dedicated to Sismondi’s economic theory.

This work brings the works of Sismondi to a wider readership. It will be of great interest to those studying and researching economic theory and the connections between economics and society, as well as the broader social sciences.

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A01=Francesca Dal DeganAccademia Dei GeorgofiliAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Francesca Dal Deganautomatic-updateBibliotheque BritanniqueCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=KCZCe NeCivic EducationCOP=United KingdomCoppetDe BrogliesDelivery_Pre-ordereconomic discourseeconomic thoughtEffective Availabilityeq_business-finance-laweq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioninclusive economicsJS MillLa PhysiologieLa Terrelabor marketLanguage_EnglishMme De StaelMultidimensional ScenariosNouveaux PrincipesPA=Temporarily unavailablepolitical thoughtPrice_€20 to €50PS=ActiveReciprocal IndependenceRepublican DirectionRichesse CommercialeRousseau’s Social Contract TheorySismondisocial organisationssoftlaunchSurplus Gainswealth

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Product Details
  • Weight: 453g
  • Dimensions: 156 x 234mm
  • Publication Date: 18 Dec 2020
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780367730857

About Francesca Dal Degan

Francesca Dal Degan is a Researcher in the History of Economic Thought in the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Pisa, Italy.

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