Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Educational Research
By (author): Marilyn V. Lichtman
Illustrating the techniques of qualitative research to help readers learn to read, analyze, and design studies themselves
Taking a well-rounded and practical look at qualitative educational research, this book focuses on the diverse ways that qualitative researchers design their studies, and illustrates the wide range of techniques with myriad examples. Each example within a category of qualitative research—ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, case study, action research, narrative, and mixed methods—is accompanied by commentary from the editor regarding the particular approach used. The text concludes with an "Issues and Concepts" section that addresses issues that are at the forefront of this rapidly changing field.
Key Features
- Distinguishes among major qualitative research approaches to help readers connect qualitative methods with completed research studies
- Shows students how to read, analyze, and design their own qualitative research studies
- Covers current issues in qualitative educational research
High-Quality Ancillaries
Includes Articles From the Following Journals
Action Research
American Educational Research Journal
American Journal of Medical Quality
Community College Review
The Counseling Psychologist
Educational Researcher
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Journal of Mixed Methods Research
Journal of Research in Nursing
The Journal of School Nursing
NASSP Bulletin
Organizational Research Methods
Qualitative Health Research
Qualitative Inquiry
The Qualitative Report
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Social Work
Television & New Media