Local History
Drawwiet tal-Milied Maltin
Trevor Żahra€24.95Ir-rigal perfett għall-Milied Malti!Ara kemm ġie sabiħ il-Bambin imdawwar bil-ġulbiena u l-ponsjetta. Imma issa jeħtieġ inħaffu għax irridu mmorru ...
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Maltese Archives… my choice
Charles J.FarrugiaCurrent price €49.99Original price €85.00Although silent, archives do speak volumes! Celebrating his thirtieth year working in the archives, Malta’s National Archivist visited over sixty a...
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Agenda Bookshop€29.90Dan il-ktieb jittratta dwar l-istorja tal-biedja u l-effetti li kellha fuq il-pajsaġġ u l-ambjent Malti. Jinkludi ħafna tagħrif folkloristiku fuq i...
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TIFKIRIET minn fomm il-poplu
Gordon Caruana€25.00pubblikazzjoni ġdida bbażata fuq intervisti li l-awtur Gordon Caruana għamel ma’ Maltin dwar Ħajja, Ħidma, Rikreazzjoni, Gwerra u temi oħra interes...
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Il-Partit Laburista – 1920-2020
Raymond Mangion€25.00Il-Partit Laburista wettaq rivoluzzjoni soċjali fuq medda ta’ mitt sena. Huwa introduċa l-edukazzjoni obbligatorja, il-koperattivi, iż-żoni industr...
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Treasures of Malta Summer 2021, No. 81, Vol. XXVII No. 3
Agenda Bookshop€10.50Contents Revisiting Antonello Gagini’s 1504 Madonna and Child Unpublished Works by Mattia Preti Malta Bells in Old Postcards My Favourite Object ...
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Peaky Blinders: The Legacy - The real story of Britain''s most notorious 1920s gangs: As seen on BBC''s The Real Peaky Blinders
Carl ChinnCurrent price €12.63Original price €15.99From the Sunday Times bestselling author, Carl ChinnThe Peaky Blinders as we know them, thanks to the hit TV series, are infused with drama and dre...
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Churchill, Malta, and Gibraltar
Victor Aquilina€40.00In one of the most decisive moments of World War II, two specks of British possessions in the Mediterranean, Malta and Gibraltar, were catapulted t...
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The Victoria Lines, Malta
Ray Cachia Zammit€7.00The Victoria Lines are a series of fortifications built by the British military between 1875 and 1899. Their defining feature is a continuous inf...
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L-Istorja tal-Innu Malti - Kif sar u xi jfisser
Oliver Friggieri€15.00Il-qawmien fi żmien il-Franċiżi, l-influwenza tar-Risorġiment Taljan, il-Kwistjoni tal-Lingwa, ir-rebħa tal-Malti bħala l-lingwa nazzjonali, ittwaq...
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Malta: The Order of St John (PB)
Thomas Freller€25.00The urban, cultural and political profile of the Maltese islands is deeply marked by the presence for 268 years of the Knights of St John. The Orde...
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Suleyman The Magnificent and Malta 1565
Arnold Cassola€13.00In his latest book on the topic, Arnold Cassola utilizes exclusively primary Ottoman sources (1564-1566), supplemented by contemporary evidence bas...
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The Darmanin Artists
Jessica Muscat€85.00Decorative Marble Production for the British Empire The Darmanin family of artists were the most prolific marble-producing firm in nineteenth-centu...
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Raiders Passed – Wartime recollections of a Maltese youngster
Charles B. Grech€11.65Charles B. Grech was just emerging from boyhood when the first enemy bombs fell on Malta in June, 1940. Like most boy age, his imagination was fire...
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Treasures of Malta No. 84, Summer 2022 Vol XXVIII No. 3
Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti€13.50Contains a supplement – This special supplement, published with the 84th issue of Treasures of Malta, aims to be a memorial to a vision and to thos...
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Treasures Of Gozo
Daniel Cilia€20.00Gozo – A Historical Treasure Trove Although small in area, Gozo and Comino offer a wealth of prehistoric and historic treasures that are easy to lo...
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Mediċina Popolari – Ta’ l-Imgħoddi fil-Gżejjer Maltin
Agenda Bookshop€12.00Dan il-ktieb, ta’ Guido Lanfranco, juri kif kienu jaħsbuha missirijietna dwar l-uġiegħ u kif tieħu ħsiebu.
€12.00Sale -
Il-Ħitan tas-Sejjieħ
Elizabeth Ellul€10.00Ktieb li juri kif jinbnew dawn il-ħitan u kif jistgħu jitħarsu, u jissewwew. Kif kienu jintużaw fl-antik u x’inhuma l-aspetti legali dwarhom.
€10.00Sale -
Treasures of Malta No. 83, Easter 2022 Vol XXVIII No. 2
Agenda Bookshop€10.50Sculpting with Light – Joseph Calleja (1924-2018) – Theresa Vella Unpublished Works by Mattia Preti (Part II) – Nicholas DeGaetano Against all O...
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Maltese Tokens A Collection
Jeanette e Stivala née McLarty€40.00Maltese Tokens – A Collection’ is about tokens used in Malta during the British period, mainly from the late Victorian period to the 1960s. The Sti...
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Walking in Berlin: a flaneur in the capital
Franz HesselCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99Take a walk around 1920s Berlin with one of its greatest luminaries. In this timeless guide, originally published in Germany in 1929, Franz Hessel...
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Knights at Sea - The Caravan Diaries
Thomas Freller€15.00On 6 February 1807 the Bavarian colonel and artillery expert Cajetan von Spreti was killed by a shrapnel in course of the siege of the Prussian for...
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Splendour & Devotion: The Art Collections of The Order of St John
Theresa Vella€95.00The rich history of the Order of St John is often told through descriptions of important battles and the deeds of heroic men. The loss of Rhodes, t...
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