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Showing 79201 to 79224 of 162679
Lepidostomatidae of India: Systematics, Ecology, and Conservation
Aquib MajeedCurrent price €79.19Original price €87.99This reference book comprehensively delves into the systematics, taxonomy, morphology, ecology, and behaviour of the Lepidostomatidae (Trichoptera)...
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Leprosy and Charity in Medieval Rouen
Elma BrennerCurrent price €84.59Original price €93.99An investigation into the effects of leprosy in one of the major towns in medieval France, illuminating urban, religious and medical culture at the...
View full detailsCurrent price €84.59Original price €93.99Save 10% -
Leptin als Surrogatmarker fr Insulinresistenz
Melika ShojaeiCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99Current price €66.49Original price €69.99Save 5% -
Leptin and its Role in Health and Disease
Nova Science Publishers IncCurrent price €93.09Original price €97.99This book contains seven chapters that detail leptin and its role in health and disease. Chapter One discusses many features of leptin and emphasiz...
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Leptin as a Surrogate Marker of Insulin Resistance
Melika ShojaeiCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99Current price €66.49Original price €69.99Save 5% -
Lerneffektivität: Eine Studie zur Effektivität von Webcasts
Massoud GhyamCurrent price €54.27Original price €58.99Current price €54.27Original price €58.99Save 8% -
Lernen in jungen, innovativen Unternehmen: Die Erfolgswirkung von Organisationalem Lernen und Lernpotenzialen
Kathrin WeißCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99Current price €61.19Original price €67.99Save 10% -
Lernermerkmale, Lernertypen, Lernverhalten: Aspekte der differentiellen Lernpsychologie fuer Lehrende und Lernende
Ulrike QuastCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10% -
Lernhabitus von Frauen mit tuerkischem Migrationshintergrund: Einfluesse auf den Lernprozess und Folgerungen fuer didaktisches Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung.
Svenja KrämerCurrent price €62.09Original price €68.99Current price €62.09Original price €68.99Save 10% -
Lernmethoden im Bereich der Programmierung
Roberto Cruz AcostaCurrent price €68.84Original price €80.99Current price €68.84Original price €80.99Save 15% -
Lernmotivation, Geschlecht und Noten der Schler, Kachin, Myanmar
Nang HtangCurrent price €50.59Original price €54.99Current price €50.59Original price €54.99Save 8% -
Lernplattformen in Schulen: Ansätze für E-Learning und Blended Learning in Präsenzklassen
Springer Fachmedien WiesbadenCurrent price €51.51Original price €55.99Current price €51.51Original price €55.99Save 8% -
Lernprozesse Erwachsener in migrationsbedingten Übergängen: Learning by Doing Migration
Michael BernhardCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99Erwachsene lernen nicht nur in intendiert-pädagogischen Settings, sondern auch durch die Bearbeitung lebensweltlicher Herausforderungen. Aus der Pe...
View full detailsCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99Save 10% -
Lernschwierigkeiten: Die Erzhlung einer Erfahrung
Eliane Fernandes LimoCurrent price €56.58Original price €61.50Current price €56.58Original price €61.50Save 8% -
Lernsituationen fr die Kompetenzentwicklung
Rosinda Cludia Zefanias CossaCurrent price €55.19Original price €59.99Current price €55.19Original price €59.99Save 8% -
Lernstile von EFL-Studierenden auf College-Niveau in Saudi-Arabien
Mubarak AlkhatnaiCurrent price €79.04Original price €92.99Current price €79.04Original price €92.99Save 15% -
Les 5 Pouvoirs Rvolution dition de Collectionneurs
5 Powers LLCCurrent price €53.54Original price €62.99Current price €53.54Original price €62.99Save 15% -
Les activits biochimiques et microbiologiques dans le verger replant
Katarzyna StylaCurrent price €62.69Original price €65.99Current price €62.69Original price €65.99Save 5%
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