Age Groups
Save 15% Grandparenting: On Love and Relationships Across Generations
Dr. Terri ApterCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99Grandparenting is a long-awaited, well-informed, personal and well-researched insight into what it means to be a grandparent... A wonderful book JU...
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Save 10% Sustainable Neighbourhoods for Ageing in Place: An Interdisciplinary Voice Against Global Crises
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99This timely book provides an understanding of how an ageing population can maintain health in the ageing process in their preferred homes and neigh...
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Save 10% Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives
Hannah R. MarstonCurrent price €82.79Original price €91.99Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century explores how we as humans navigate the 21st Century, interacting with technologi...
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Save 10% Wohnen in Gesundheit: Die Corona-Pandemie und Teilhabe in besonderen Wohnformen für Menschen mit Behinderung
Elisabeth WackerCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die Coronapandemie in besonderen Wohneinrichtungen der Eingliederungshilfe im sozialwissenschaftlichen Blick erfass...
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Save 15% Centenarians Autobiographies: Age, Life Writing and the Enigma of Extreme Longevity
Mita BanerjeeCurrent price €90.94Original price €106.99Situated at the intersection between medical humanities, aging studies, autobiographical studies, disability studies and ethic studies, this book e...
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Save 10% Supportive Smart Homes: Their Role in Aging in Place
Bruce WallaceCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Significant health-industry human resource needs increase the reliance on family and friends to support older adults hoping to age in place. This b...
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Save 10% Habla Clara: Una Guía Práctica Para La Enseñanza De La Eduación Sexual Integral Destinada A Familias, Escuelas Y Las Infancias
Maura RiveroCurrent price €17.99Original price €19.99Current price €17.99Original price €19.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Current Perspectives on Centenarians: Introduction to Lifespan and Healthspan
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99This book explores various aspects related to human longevity and aging beyond 100 years old. It examines all domains of health and well-being of t...
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Save 10% Coping with Uncertainty: Youth in the Middle East and North Africa
Jorg GertelCurrent price €28.79Original price €31.99Seven years after the Arab uprisings, the social situation has deteriorated across the Middle East and North Africa. Political, economic and person...
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Save 10% China''s Generation Gap
Dongmei ChengCurrent price €46.79Original price €51.99Based on data collected for the Generation Gap Survey in Shanghai and updated to take into account contemporary trends, this book uses an empirical...
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Save 10% Sustainable Ageing: Reimagining Healthy Ageing Through the Lens of Flagship Campaigns
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €119.69Original price €132.99This book uniquely operationalizes sustainable ageing as a concept for reimagining ways by which: (1) social and health threats (i.e., climate chan...
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Save 10% Retirement Migrants and Dependency: Caring for Sun Seekers
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €119.69Original price €132.99This book tells the story of what happens when the adventure of living in Spain turns complicated due to the emergence of care needs derived from l...
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Save 10% Language, Aging and Society: What Can Linguistics Do for the Aging World?
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €137.69Original price €152.99This book explores how studies of language and aging can be applied to build an aging-friendly society, drawing on the socio-pragmatic turn in lang...
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Save 10% Quantitative Demography and Health Estimates: Healthy Life Expectancy, Templates for Direct Estimates from Life Tables and other Applications
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99This book provides new theoretic and applied material with focus on quantitative methods and data analysis techniques applied in demography, popula...
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Save 10% The Longevity Dividend: Later Life, Lifelong Learning and Productive Societies
Satya BrinkCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99This book offers global evidence about the increasing longevity, its consequences and its potential for societal benefits. Based on statistics, aca...
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Save 10% Age-Friendly Ecosystems: Environments for Equitable Aging by Design
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99This compact book examines age friendliness within the framework of age-friendly ecosystems, and from a place-based approach, considering anchor in...
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Save 10% Eldercare Labor Demand in China and Coping Strategies
Yali ZhuCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99This book employs Markov models and propensity score matching methods to analyze the demand for elderly care labor, utilizing data from the China L...
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Save 10% Identitätskonstruktionen türkischer Jugendlicher: Ein Leben mit oder zwischen zwei Kulturen
Marion Aicher-JakobCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Current price €44.99Original price €49.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Übergangscoaching mit Jugendlichen: Wirkfaktoren aus Sicht der Coachingnehmer beim Übergang von der Schule in die Ausbildung
Christoph WiethoffCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Current price €44.99Original price €49.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Sorgende Arrangements: Kinderschutz zwischen Organisation und Familie
Springer Fachmedien WiesbadenCurrent price €37.79Original price €41.99Familiale Gewalt gegen und Vernachlässigung von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist gegenwärtig verstärkt im Blick der öffentlichen, politischen und fachl...
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Save 10% Aufwachsen in Dialog und sozialer Verantwortung: Bildung - Risiken - Prävention in der frühen Kindheit
Springer Fachmedien WiesbadenCurrent price €42.29Original price €46.99Die frühen Entwicklungsjahre von Kindern sind in den vergangenen Jahren in zunehmendem Ausmaß ins Blickfeld der öffentlichen und fachlichen Aufmerk...
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Save 10% Sensitive Responsivität: Zur Qualität pädagogischen Handelns im Kindergarten
Regina RemspergerCurrent price €70.19Original price €77.99Current price €70.19Original price €77.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Aging, Aging Populations and Welfare
Jason L. PowellCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99As the world experiences a rapid increase in the aging population, it is essential to address the challenges and opportunities that arise as a resu...
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Save 15%
Current price €16.99Original price €19.99Save 15% -
Save 10% Erfolgreich promovieren: Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99Erfolgreich promovieren begleitet Promovierende aller Disziplinen durch die gesamte Promotion, von der Entscheidung zur Promotion, über die Planung...
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Save 15% The Changing Mind: A Neuroscientist''s Guide to Ageing Well
Daniel LevitinCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99THE NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE ORGANIZED MIND 'Everyone we know needs this remarkable book ... Essential for...
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Current price €16.99Original price €19.99Save 15% -
Save 10% Generations and Work
C. LopezCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Based on an extensive national survey of workers and four separate industry-specific surveys, Generations and Work will examine and provide answers...
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Save 10% Understanding Families Over Time: Research and Policy
Rosalind EdwardsCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Drawing on research from the Timescapes Study, this volume discusses the life chances and experiences of children and young people, parents and old...
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Save 15% Millennial Problems: Everyday Struggles of a Generation
Rowan DobsonCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99That Feeling When your brunch doesnt look good enough to Instagram, you put the wrong emoji at the end of a risky text, The Sims is the closest y...
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Save 10% Education, Work and Social Change: Young People and Marginalization in Post-Industrial Britain
L. RussellCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Drawing on a longitudinal study of the lives of NEET young people, this book looks beyond dominant discourses on youth unemployment to provide a ri...
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Save 10% Education, Work and Social Change: Young People and Marginalization in Post-Industrial Britain
L. RussellCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Drawing on a longitudinal study of the lives of NEET young people, this book looks beyond dominant discourses on youth unemployment to provide a ri...
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Save 10% Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Bristol University PressCurrent price €89.09Original price €98.99Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The concept of generations has become a widely discussed area, with recent events such a...
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Save 10% Rebel Youth: 1960s Labour Unrest, Young Workers, and New Leftists in English Canada
Ian MilliganCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99During the long sixties, baby boomers raised on democratic postwar ideals demanded a more egalitarian society for all. While a few became vocal lea...
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Save 10% The Korean Welfare State: Social Investment in an Aging Society
Oxford University Press IncCurrent price €64.79Original price €71.99The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens ...
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Save 10% Age Studies: A Sociological Examination of How We Age and are Aged through the Life Course
Susan PickardCurrent price €115.19Original price €127.99With great rigour, yet an enviable lightness of touch, Susan Pickard has written an engaging and accessible book that students will love. - Rosali...
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