Algebraic Geometry
Save 5% Enriques Surfaces II
Igor DolgachevCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This book, consisting of two volumes, gives a contemporary account of the study of the class of projective algebraic surfaces known as Enriques sur...
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Save 5% Enriques Surfaces II
Igor DolgachevCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This book, consisting of two volumes, gives a contemporary account of the study of the class of projective algebraic surfaces known as Enriques sur...
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Save 5% Enriques Surfaces I
Christian LiedtkeCurrent price €164.34Original price €172.99This book, consisting of two volumes, gives a contemporary account of the study of the class of projective algebraic surfaces known as Enriques sur...
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Save 5% Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry: A Mathematical Tribute to Yuri Manin
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This book is a tribute to the memory of Yuri Ivanovich Manin, who passed away on January 7, 2023. Manin was one of the giants of modern mathematics...
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Save 5% Shafarevich-Tate Groups
M.L. BrownCurrent price €58.43Original price €61.50This monograph explores the finiteness and structure of Shafarevich-Tate groups of abelian varieties over global fields of any characteristic. Read...
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Save 5% $p$-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities
American Mathematical SocietyCurrent price €116.84Original price €122.99This volume contains the proceedings of the 2019 Lluis A. Santalo Summer School on $p$-Adic Analysis, Arithmetic and Singularities, which was held ...
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Save 5% Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry: A Volume in Honor of V. V. Shokurov
Cambridge University PressCurrent price €81.69Original price €85.99Arising from the 2022 Japan-US Mathematics Institute, this book covers a range of topics in modern algebraic geometry, including birational geometr...
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Save 5% Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99This is the fourth volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series that aims to provide an accessible account of the sta...
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Save 5% Fractals and Chaos: An illustrated course
Paul S. AddisonCurrent price €184.29Original price €193.99Fractals and Chaos: An Illustrated Course provides you with a practical, elementary introduction to fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics-subjects ...
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Save 5% K-Theory and Representation Theory
Cambridge University PressCurrent price €75.04Original price €78.99Current price €75.04Original price €78.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
M. S. RaghunathanCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99This is a textbook meant to be used at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level. It is an introduction to the theory of Lie groups and Lie alge...
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Save 5% Arithmetic Geometry over Global Function Fields
David BurnsCurrent price €47.49Original price €49.99This volume collects the texts of five courses given in the Arithmetic Geometry Research Programme 2009-2010 at the CRM Barcelona. All of them deal...
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Save 5% Algebraic Geometry II
David MumfordCurrent price €85.49Original price €89.99Several generations of students of algebraic geometry have learned the subject from David Mumford's fabled Red Book containing notes of his lecture...
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Save 5% Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics
Walter D. van SuijlekomCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99This book provides an introduction to noncommutative geometry and presents a number of its recent applications to particle physics. In the first pa...
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Save 5% The Mathematical and Philosophical Legacy of Alexander Grothendieck
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99Alexander Grothendieck is often considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century (if not all time), and his unique vision con...
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Save 5% Perspectives on Four Decades of Algebraic Geometry, Volume 2: In Memory of Alberto Collino
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99The second of a two-part volume, this collection offers a unifying vision of algebraic geometry, exploring its evolution over the last four decades...
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Save 5% Multiplicity-free Representations of Algebraic Groups
Donna M. TestermanCurrent price €84.54Original price €88.99Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let G be a connected reductive algebraic group over K. We address the problem of...
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Save 5% Categorical Donaldson-Thomas Theory for Local Surfaces
Yukinobu TodaCurrent price €69.34Original price €72.99This book provides an introduction to categorical Donaldson-Thomas (DT) theory, a rapidly developing field which has close links to enumerative geo...
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Save 5% Mumford-Tate Groups and Domains: Their Geometry and Arithmetic (AM-183)
Mark GreenCurrent price €96.89Original price €101.99Mumford-Tate groups are the fundamental symmetry groups of Hodge theory, a subject which rests at the center of contemporary complex algebraic geom...
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Save 5% Moduli Spaces, Virtual Invariants and Shifted Symplectic Structures
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99Enumerative geometry is a core area of algebraic geometry that dates back to Apollonius in the second century BCE. It asks for the number of geomet...
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Save 5% Coherent Systems On Algebraic Curves
Peter E NewsteadCurrent price €82.64Original price €86.99The book provides a state-of-the-art description of the construction and properties of coherent systems on algebraic curves and their moduli spaces...
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Save 5% Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: Using Excel® and Geogebra
Eres SöylemezCurrent price €64.59Original price €67.99This textbook covers classical geometrical methods and modern analytical methods in kinematic synthesis of mechanisms. The methods discussed are al...
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Save 10% Braids, Conformal Module, Entropy, and Gromov''s Oka Principle
Burglind JörickeCurrent price €74.69Original price €82.99This book studies the relation between conformal invariants and dynamical invariants and their applications, taking the reader on an excursion thro...
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Save 5% Lectures on N_X(p)
Jean-Pierre SerreCurrent price €54.14Original price €56.99Lectures on NX(p) deals with the question on how NX(p), the number of solutions of mod p congruences, varies with p when the family (X) of polynomi...
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Save 5% Nankai Symposium on Mathematical Dialogues: Celebrating the 110th anniversary of the birth of Prof. S.-S. Chern
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This volume is the proceedings of a special conference dedicated to the legacy of Prof. S.-S. Chern, virtually held at the Chern Institute of Mathe...
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Save 5% The Weierstrass Sigma Function in Higher Genus and Applications to Integrable Equations
Shigeki MatsutaniCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This books area is special functions of one or several complex variables. Special functions have been applied to dynamics and physics. Special func...
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Save 5% Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities VII
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €249.84Original price €262.99This is the seventh volume of the Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities, a series that aims to provide an accessible account of the st...
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Save 5% Representation Theory and Geometry of the Flag Variety
William M. McGovernCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99This comprehensive reference begins with a review of the basics followed by a presentation of flag varieties and finite- and infinite-dimensional r...
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Save 5% Deformation Theory of Discontinuous Groups
Ali BakloutiCurrent price €168.14Original price €176.99This book contains the latest developments of the theory of discontinuous groups acting on homogenous spaces, from basic concepts to a comprehensiv...
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Save 10% Geometric Algebra Applications Vol. III: Integral Transforms, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing
Eduardo Bayro-CorrochanoCurrent price €191.69Original price €212.99The goal of Geometric Algebra Applications Vol. III: Integral Transforms, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing is to present a unified mathemati...
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Save 5% Gröbner''s Problem and the Geometry of GT-Varieties
Liena Colarte-GómezCurrent price €116.84Original price €122.99This book presents progress on two open problems within the framework of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra: Gröbner's problem regarding th...
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Save 5% Helix Structures in Quantum Cohomology of Fano Varieties
Boris A. DubrovinCurrent price €69.34Original price €72.99This research monograph provides a comprehensive study of a conjecture initially proposed by the second author at the 1998 International Congress o...
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Save 5% Perspectives on Four Decades of Algebraic Geometry, Volume 1: In Memory of Alberto Collino
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99The first of a two-part volume, this collection offers a unifying vision of algebraic geometry, exploring its evolution over the last four decades ...
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Save 8% Make: Math Teacher''s Supplement
Joan HorvathCurrent price €18.39Original price €19.99The Make: Math Teacher's Supplement is a guide for teachers, parents and others who are exploring teaching with the authors' Make: Geometry, Make: ...
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Save 5% Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory from Algebraic and Geometric Viewpoints
Albert SchwarzCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99This book offers a non-standard introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, approaching these topics from algebraic and geometric p...
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Save 5% Women in MathArt: Research, Creativity, and Teaching
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99This volume contains the proceedings from the first Women in MathArt Research Collaboration Conference for Women, showcasing women mathematicians r...
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