Author: Anonymous
Showing 7681 to 7728 of 8787
Itine Raires a Royan Et Arcachon, Ou Bains de Mer Du Bassin de Bordeaux. Par Ernst, Etc. with Plates and a Plan
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
Les E Glises de Paris Pre Ce de Es D''Une Introduction de M. L''Abbe Pascal
AnonymousCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Current price €23.39Original price €25.99Save 10% -
Notice historique sur le château de Chenonceaux. Alternatively attributed to A. Jourdain and Count René de Villeneuve. With plates
A JourdainCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Exposition GE Ographique de Venise En 1881.-France. Notices Sur Les Cartes, Dessins Et Ouvrages Expose S Par Le Ministe Re Des Travaux Publics.
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
Butlleti del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Any 1. No. 1.-Any 48. No. 518/523. Jan./Juny 1891-Jul./Des. 1938.
AnonymousCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99Current price €21.59Original price €23.99Save 10% -
Butlleti del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Any 1. No. 1.-Any 48. No. 518/523. Jan./Juny 1891-Jul./Des. 1938.
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
Butlleti del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Any 1. No. 1.-Any 48. No. 518/523. Jan./Juny 1891-Jul./Des. 1938.
AnonymousCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Current price €23.39Original price €25.99Save 10% -
Butlleti del Centre Excursionista de Catalunya. Any 1. No. 1.-Any 48. No. 518/523. Jan./Juny 1891-Jul./Des. 1938.
AnonymousCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99Current price €20.69Original price €22.99Save 10% -
Memoria sobre la compensacion general de los errores en la Red Geodésica de España. Por D. Joaquin Barraquer, D. Francisco Cabello. [With plates.]
AnonymousCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50Current price €15.75Original price €17.50Save 10% -
Re sultats obtenus jusqu''a ce jour par les explorations entreprises sous les auspices du Gouvernement de l''Alge rie pour pe ne trer dans le Soudan. Avril 1862. [By Prince C. L. M. de Polignac.] few ms. corrections
AnonymousCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Le Comte de Laval: Son Histoire, Les M Urs de Ses Habitants, Ses Manufactures.
AnonymousCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Histoire de Boulogne-La-Grasse Et Des Autres Paroisses E Rige Es Sur Les Terres de la Terrie Re, Donne Es Par Clotaire III. Et Se. Bathilde A L''Abbaye
AnonymousCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99Current price €18.69Original price €21.99Save 15% -
Re Pertoire de Cartes, Publie Par L''Institut Royal Des Inge Nieurs Ne Erlandais. Livr. 1-3.
AnonymousCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Instruction Fu R Die Topographen Der Topografischen Abtheilung Der Ko Niglich Preussischen Landes-Afnahme.
AnonymousCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Tre A R I Kongo. Skildringar AF P. Mo Ller, G. Pagels, E. Gleerup. [With Illustrations and Maps.]
AnonymousCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15% -
E Tude Sur Les Valaques de L''Empire Ottoman. [With a Map.]
AnonymousCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99Current price €14.44Original price €16.99Save 15% -
L''''Ambigu; Ou, Vers Originaux, Imitations, Andc. Sur Divers Sujets En Franc OIS Et En Anglois, Par Le Me Me Auteur. the Medley, Etc.
AnonymousCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
The Veil of Liberty. a Tale of the Girondins by Pe Ronne.
AnonymousCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Current price €23.39Original price €25.99Save 10% -
Sun Pictures from Many Lands, Containing Illustrated Accounts of Holiday Tours. Illustrated with Two Frontispieces in Woodbury-Gravure, and Thirty-Six Collotypes. (First Series.).
AnonymousCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15% -
Historic Documents on Spain: I. a Plain Exposition of the Reasons Which Occasioned the Journey of Ferdinand to Bayonne, in April 1808. II. Remarks on the Preceding Work. III. Abstract of a Petition Addressed to the King by Members of the Court.
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
A Year in Tasmania: Including Some Months'' Residence in the Capital; With a Descriptive Tour Through the Island, from Macquarie Harbour to Circular Head; And a Short Notice of the Colony in 1853. by the Author of Five Years in the Levant.
AnonymousCurrent price €21.15Original price €23.50Current price €21.15Original price €23.50Save 10% -
The Reign of Terror; A Collection of Narratives of the Horrors Committed by the Revolutionary Government of France Under Marat and Robespierre. Written by Eyewitnesses of the Scenes. Interspersed with Biographical Notices of Prominent Characters. Vol...
AnonymousCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99Current price €18.69Original price €21.99Save 15% -
Young Mistley. [A Novel, by Hugh S. Scott.] Vol. II
AnonymousCurrent price €19.98Original price €23.50Current price €19.98Original price €23.50Save 15% -
A Miraculous Victory Obtained by the Right Honorable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax at Wakefield in Yorkshire Also a Letter Which Was Found in General Gorings Chamber Sent to Him by the Lord Goring. [A Reprint of the Edition of 29 May, 1643.]
AnonymousCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Four Poems, Viz.: I. Armine and Elvira by MR Cartwright. II. the Hermit of Warkworth by T. Percy, Bishop of Dromore). III. the Deserted Village (a Poem by Dr Goldsmith). IV. the Traveller (a Poem by O. Goldsmith).
AnonymousCurrent price €17.78Original price €19.75Current price €17.78Original price €19.75Save 10% -
The Siege of Mansoul, a Drama, in Five Acts [And in Verse; Founded Upon the Holy War of John Bunyan, with a Prefatory Notice by H. Sulger.] the Diction of Which Consists Altogether of an Accommodation of Words from Shakespeare and Other Poets.
AnonymousCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
An Introduction to the Study of Rocks. [By L. Fletcher.]
AnonymousCurrent price €17.99Original price €19.99Current price €17.99Original price €19.99Save 10% -
An Ode, Addressed to the Scotch Junto, and Their American Commission, on the Late Quarrel Between Commissioner Ed[e]n [i.E. Lord Auckland] and Commissioner J[o]hnst[o]ne. with Some Digressive Stanzas. [a Political Satire.]
AnonymousCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50Current price €15.75Original price €17.50Save 10% -
Remarks on Davis Strait, Baffin Bay Smith Sound, and the Channels Thence Northward to 82 1/4 N. Compiled from Various Authorities. [A Revised Edition of Remarks on Baffin Bay.].
AnonymousCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15% -
Marriage Dialogues: Or a Poetical Peep Into the State of Matrimony. with Moral Reflexions. Together with the Wars of the Elements: Or a Description of a Sea-Storm. to Which Are Added: The Contemplative Angler. by the Author of the London Spy.
AnonymousCurrent price €17.78Original price €19.75Current price €17.78Original price €19.75Save 10% -
History of the Voyage and Shipwreck of the U.S. Steamer Jeannette, in the Polar Seas, Together with a Full Account of the Death of Lieutenant de Long, and the Rescue of Danenhower, Melville, and Their Heroic Companions. [By H. L. Williams].
AnonymousCurrent price €15.73Original price €18.50Current price €15.73Original price €18.50Save 15% -
Narrative of Privations and Sufferings of United States Officers and Soldiers While Prisoners of War of the Rebel Authorities. Being the Report of a Commission of Inquiry Appointed by the United States Sanitary Commission. with an Appendix.
AnonymousCurrent price €19.98Original price €23.50Current price €19.98Original price €23.50Save 15% -
A Collection of Poems: Viz. the Temple of Death: By the Marquis of Normanby, Etc. with Several Original Poems, Never Before Printed. [A Revised and Enlarged Reprint of A Collection of Poems by Several Hands Published in 1693.]
AnonymousCurrent price €24.29Original price €26.99Current price €24.29Original price €26.99Save 10% -
Songs of Many Seasons ... Illustrated by G. Du Maurier, Walter Crane, Etc.
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
La Curiosit ; Or, the Gallant Show. Displaying the Characters: A Prime Minister. an Archbishop. a Trading Justice. a Modern Physician. a Man and Wife. a Publican. a Country Squire. a Pettifogger. a Coquette. a Romish Priest. and a French Emigrant.
AnonymousCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50Current price €15.75Original price €17.50Save 10% -
Modern Anecdotes of the New Green-Bag-Room, Representing a List of the Pieces Performed, and Now Performing, at the Theatre Royal, Cotton Garden, with Criticisms and Remarks in the Plays, Tragi-Comedies, Farces, Andc. and the Principal Actors.
AnonymousCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Engineers and Officials; An Historical Sketch of the Progress of Health of Towns Works Between 1838 and 1856 in London and the Provinces. with Biogr
AnonymousCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
The Reign of Terror; A Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors Committed by the Revolutionary Government of France Under Marat and Robespierre. Written by Eyewitnesses of the Scenes. with Biographical Notices of Characters, and Anecdotes.
AnonymousCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99Current price €18.69Original price €21.99Save 15% -
Memoire Adresse Par Une Reunion de Proprietaires, Architectes Et Constructeurs de La Ville de Paris, a Messieurs Les Membres de La Commission D''Enquete Instituee Par Decision de S. Exc. Le Ministre de L''Interieur. Du 7 Juillet 1828.
AnonymousCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
The History of Rome. Translated with Additions, by W. P. Dickson. with a Preface by L. Schmitz. (Index, Etc.)Vol.I
AnonymousCurrent price €22.09Original price €25.99Current price €22.09Original price €25.99Save 15% -
Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. [Edited by Sir James M. Campbell. General Index, by R. E. Enthoven.]
AnonymousCurrent price €21.15Original price €23.50Current price €21.15Original price €23.50Save 10% -
Poems ... with Illustrations by G. J. Pinwell, E. J. Poynter, ... Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.
AnonymousCurrent price €22.05Original price €24.50Current price €22.05Original price €24.50Save 10% -
Magyarorsz G, Szerb-Vajdas G S a Temesi-B NS G Helyk Zs Geinek V Gleges Bir S GI F Loszt Sa. (Erd Ly Nagyfejedelems G Helyk Zs Geinek V Gleges Bir S GI F Loszt Sa, Etc.)
AnonymousCurrent price €21.15Original price €23.50Current price €21.15Original price €23.50Save 10% -
Paolina Deschappelles, Ovvero La Signora Di Lione ... Versione Libera Dall''inglese, del Prof. G. Guerini, Etc.
Afterwards Bulwer Lytton Edward BulwerCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
The Album of Streatham; Or, Ministerial Amusements. to Which Are Added, the Bulse; A Pindaric Ode: Jekyll: An Eclogue [Joseph Richardson and Others]: And the Journal of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas. Second Ed. [ Extracts from the Album at Streatham ].
AnonymousCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50Current price €14.88Original price €17.50Save 15% -
A Welcome: Original Contributions in Poetry and Prose. [With a Dedication by E. Arnold.]
AnonymousCurrent price €21.15Original price €23.50Current price €21.15Original price €23.50Save 10% -
Ballads of the Bench and Bar; Or, Idle Lays of the Parliament House. [Edited by J. B. Paul and J. J. Reid.]
AnonymousCurrent price €18.99Original price €19.99Current price €18.99Original price €19.99Save 5%
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