Author: Dr T Venkata Deepthi
Showing 1 to 3 of 3
Entwurf eines Kfz-Wechselstromsystems unter Verwendung der Energie aus einem Verbrennungsmotorzyklus
Ch Ashok KumarCurrent price €62.69Original price €65.99Current price €62.69Original price €65.99Save 5% -
Projeto de um sistema CA automotivo usando energia de um ciclo de motor IC
Ch Ashok KumarCurrent price €62.69Original price €65.99Current price €62.69Original price €65.99Save 5% -
Conception d''un systme de climatisation automobile utilisant l''nergie d''un cycle de moteur IC
Ch Ashok KumarCurrent price €62.69Original price €65.99Current price €62.69Original price €65.99Save 5%
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