Author: Mohamed Soliman
Showing 1 to 3 of 3
Genetische Verbesserung von Reis auf Krankheitsresistenz durch Gammastrahlen
Abdel-Shafy RagabCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99Current price €37.99Original price €39.99Save 5% -
Amélioration génétique du riz pour la résistance aux maladies à l''aide de rayons gamma
Abdel-Shafy RagabCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99Current price €37.99Original price €39.99Save 5% -
Melhoramento genético do arroz para resistência a doenças usando raios gama
Abdel-Shafy RagabCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99Current price €37.99Original price €39.99Save 5%
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