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A01=Sharon Thayer
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Author_Sharon Thayer
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Price_€20 to €50

A Tooth Fairy Named Mort


By (author): Sharon Thayer

Establishing the lore and legend for generations to come, A Tooth Fairy Named Mort, flies you to Fairyland for a peek inside the castle, where you will discover the answers to the age-old mysteries of the Tooth Fairy. As you catch a glimpse into this magical kingdom, you will find Mortina, the tooth fairy, with all her fairyland friends, busy at their jobs. Morts the tiniest fairy, but her job is the biggest and hardest job of all fueling the magic of Fairyland. Follow Morts journey and discover why she needs your teeth, how she gets human money, why she doesnt show up some nights, and how YOU hold the power to continue fairy magic forever! See more
Current price €21.73
Original price €26.50
Save 18%
A01=Sharon ThayerAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Sharon Thayerautomatic-updateCategory1=KidsCategory=YFHCOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=In stockPrice_€20 to €50PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 484g
  • Dimensions: 220 x 285mm
  • Publication Date: 01 Apr 2018
  • Publisher: Carousel Publishing
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780976623984

About Sharon Thayer

Sharons journey from dyslexic non-reading child to national award-winning author has been an adventure filled with all the dramatic twists and turns of a great story. In one delightful chapter she owned a nature-based kids center/summer camp in the mountains of Colorado where she discovered her passion for leading children to live their own stories built on foundations of respect values passion and inner strength. Today Sharon continues pursuing that passion through speaking and writing stories that travel to magical worlds and paths of self-discovery.

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