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A01=Michael Klevenhaus
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Michael Klevenhaus
COP=United Kingdom
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
Language_Scottish Gaelic
Price_€10 to €20

An Uinneag Don Iar

Scottish Gaelic

By (author): Michael Klevenhaus

Marie Schmidt escapes from East Berlin with her baby daughter just as the wall is going up, but her husband and son are left behind. Years later, Marie's daughter finds a box of letters in her mother's house and sets out to find the brother she never knew she had, but her investigations uncover some unpleasant truths about the compromises her mother was prepared to make with the Communist regime in exchange for a new life in the west.;Gaelic text: Theich Marie Schmidt a Berlin an Ear leis an nighinn oig aice, ach chaidh a duine is a mac fhagail air taobh eile a' bhalla. Cha robh fios aig Caitriona gun robh brathair aice mus do leugh i na seann litrichean a lorg i ann an taigh a mathar. As deidh nam bliadhnaichean uile, an urrainn dhi a lorg, agus de eile a tha i a' dol a dh'fhaighinn a-mach mu a teachlach? See more
Current price €11.47
Original price €13.99
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A01=Michael KlevenhausAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Michael Klevenhausautomatic-updateCategory1=FictionCategory=FFCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_OthersLanguage_Scottish GaelicPA=AvailablePrice_€10 to €20PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 104g
  • Dimensions: 130 x 195mm
  • Publication Date: 21 Jan 2016
  • Publisher: Sandstone Press Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: Scottish Gaelic
  • ISBN13: 9781910124864

About Michael Klevenhaus

Michael Klevenhaus is an actor author musician and scholar based in Bonn. He is the founder of the Gaelic Academy in Bonn the only educational institution in Germany to offer a range of Gaelic courses at all levels.

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