A CROSSROADS IN THE LIFE OF BATMAN. In the aftermath of the Joker War, Bruce Wayne has lost his home, and is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of Gotham City''s citizens. A groundswell of anti-vigilante protests is popping up throughout Gotham, stoked by the mayoral candidacy of Christopher Nakano a former police officer wounded in the Joker''s war zone. All this, plus mysterious new villain in the Mirror is rallying others to the anti-vigilante cause, taking to the streets and leading violent encounters that show no true winner. This final volume of Peter J. Tomasi''s epic Detective Comics run culminates in a battle with Robin, a hostage crisis with Hush, and the dawn of a new era for Gotham City. This essneital volume of Detective Comics collects Detective Comics #1028-1033 the final arc penned by seminal Detective Comics scribe Peter J. Tomasi (Batman and Robin, Super Sons). It also features stunning art from Brad Walker (Aquaman), Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood and the Outlaws), Bilquis Evely (Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow), Nicola Scott (Wonder Woman), and more!
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Product Details
Format: Hardback
Dimensions: 168 x 259mm
Publication Date: 05 Oct 2021
Publisher: DC Comics
Publication City/Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781779512703
About Bilquis EvelyPeter J. Tomasi
Peter J. Tomasi is a New York Times best-selling author known for his current work on Superman and previous projects Batman and Robin Superman/Wonder Woman Batman - Detective Comics and Batman Arkham Knight along with other commercially successful books including Green Lantern Corps Brightest Day Emerald Warriors and Nightwing. Over the course of his career with DC Comics more than two decades of hit books Peter served as a group editor ushering in new eras for Batman Green Lantern and JSA along with special projects like Kingdom Come. Peter also is the author of the creator owned books Light Brigade (Dark Horse) with artist Peter Snejbjerg The Mighty (Dark Horse) with Keith Champagne and artists Peter Snejbjerg and Chris Samnee and the critically acclaimed horror/drama series House of Penance (Dark Horse) with artist Ian Bertram.