Bioethical Decision Making in Nursing
By (author): Carrie J. Scotto Gladys L. Husted James H. Husted Kimberly Wolf
The book is grounded in the concept of Symphonia which, within the health care arena, is the study of agreements between health care professionals and patients and the ethical implications of these agreements. It is intended promote the welfare of both patient and health care provider. The new chapter on Moral Distress offers coping techniques for situations in which a nurse has an ethical issue with a standard of care but is powerless to change that care; the new chapter on Intersections Between Legal and Bioethical Decision Making in Nursing focuses on situations that an be interpreted as either moral and illegal or immoral and legal.
The fifth edition also features a new section on ethical colleagueship, providing support to relieve common dilemmas among health care professionals. An updated digital teacher's manual provides chapter summaries, major focus areas, a wealth of classroom activities, PowerPoint slides, resolution for cases that are unresolved in the text, and a test bank.
New to the Fifth Edition:
- Reorganized and rewritten for ease of comprehension and increased reader engagement
- Includes new chapters on Moral Distress and Bioethical Decision Making in Nursing
- Provides more tables, diagrams, and graphics to clarify text discussion
- Delivers new case studies that are analyzed in depth
- Addresses ethical colleagueship