Humans, Being follows the lives of two humans, being. Vic and Mia are two fortysomethings struggling to cope with divorce, custody battles, infidelity, money worries and dating sites. Through their friendship, they explore the pitfalls of modern life and their pursuit of happiness leads them to ask what is normal and whether it is okay to live outside the norms that society dictates. Funny, touching, and thought-provoking in equal measure, Humans, Being reveals what its like to be a middle-aged human in the twenty-first century.
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Product Details
Publication Date: 06 May 2019
Publisher: Cinnamon Press
Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781788640510
About Gareth Davies
Gareth is a teacher writer and storyteller. After living in Prague for nearly twenty years he moved back home temporally to Cardiff in 2015 to do an MA in Creative Writing at Cardiff University. Temporary became permanent and Gareth is now an active member of the literary scene in Cardiff being a frequent visitor and performer at events such as Roath Writers First Thursday and Storytelling at Milgis. Gareth has had several short stories published in magazines and kept a daily short story blog running for five years. He has self-published two novels; his latest Humans Being will be published by Cinnamon Press. As well as writing Gareth is developing his skills as a storyteller specialising in stories from Wales and China.