LAdversus Colotem di Plutarco: Storia di una polemica filosofica | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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A01=Aurora Corti
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SN=Plutarchea Hypomnemata

LAdversus Colotem di Plutarco: Storia di una polemica filosofica


By (author): Aurora Corti

In-depth analysis of Plutarchs anti-Epicurean treatise Adversus Colotem.
LAdversus Colotem, composto intorno al 100 d.C., fa parte, insieme al non posse e al de latenter vivendo, della cosidetta trilogia anti-epicurea di Plutarco. Questo volume analizza lAdversus Colotem nel suo complesso, approfondendone, in particolar modo, le strategie polemiche, le alleanze filosofiche e le tecniche argomentative. Il libro si articola in quattro capitoli, rispettivamente dedicati: 1) allanalisi della struttura dellopera; 2) alla ricostruzione, basata sullo studio critico delle fonti antiche (Plutarco, Proclo, Macrobio e i Papiri Ercolanesi), della figura, degli scritti e della filosofia dellepicureo Colote; 3) allapprofondimento della tesi dellunità dellAccademia, così come difesa in questopera da Plutarco; 4) allesame della sezione su Arcesilao (Adv. Col. 1121 E-1123 A) e, in special modo, della teoria dell'azione dellaccademico ivi esposta. Chiude il volume un sommario in lingua inglese.

The Adversus Colotem, written around 100 A.D., is one of Plutarch's three extant anti-Epicurean treatises. It is a reply to Colotes otherwise unknown book entitled 'On the fact that according to the doctrines of the other philosophers it is impossible to live'. This volume analyses the Adversus Colotem as a whole and, in particular, explores its polemical target, its philosophical background. and its argumentative strategies. It consists of four chapters, devoted respectively to: 1) the structure of the Adversus Colotem; 2) a critical examination of the ancient sources (Plutarch, Proclus, Macrobius, and the Herculaneum Papyri) concerning Colotes life, philosophy, and role in the Epicurean tradition; 3) the thesis of the unity of the Academy, as it is defended by Plutarch in the Adversus Colotem; and 4) the analysis of the section on Arcesilaus (Adv. Col. 1121 E-1123 A), which contains Arcesilaus response to the apraxia charge. An English summary concludes the volume.
This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).

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A01=Aurora CortiAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Aurora Cortiautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=HPCACOP=BelgiumDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_ItalianPA=AvailablePrice_€50 to €100PS=ActiveSN=Plutarchea Hypomnematasoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 780g
  • Dimensions: 160 x 240mm
  • Publication Date: 28 Nov 2014
  • Publisher: Leuven University Press
  • Publication City/Country: Belgium
  • Language: Italian
  • ISBN13: 9789462700093

About Aurora Corti

Aurora Corti obtained a Doctoral Degree in Philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome in 2012. Currently she is Research Fellow at the Institute for European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR).

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