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Principles of Physics (Chapters 1-34), Global Edition


By (author): Eric Mazur

For Introductory Calculus-based Physics Courses.

Putting physics first

Based on his storied research and teaching, Eric Mazurs Principles & Practice of Physics builds an understanding of physics that is both thorough and accessible. Unique organization and pedagogy allow students to develop a true conceptual understanding of physics alongside the quantitative skills needed in the course.

  • New learning architecture:
  • The book is structured to help students learn physics in an organized way that encourages comprehension and reduces distraction.
  • Physics on a contemporary foundation:
  • Traditional texts delay the introduction of ideas that we now see as unifying and foundational. This text builds physics on those unifying foundations, helping students to develop an understanding that is stronger, deeper, and fundamentally simpler.
  • Research-based instruction:
  • This text uses a range of research-based instructional techniques to teach physics in the most effective manner possible.
The result is a groundbreaking book that puts physics first, thereby making it more accessible to students and easier for instructors to teach. MasteringPhysics ® works with the text to create a learning program that enables students to learn both in and out of the classroom.

This program provides a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students. Heres how:

  • Build an integrated, conceptual understanding of physics:
  • Help students gain a deeper understanding of the unified laws that govern our physical world through the innovative chapter structure and pioneering table of contents.
  • Encourage informed problem solving:
  • The separate Practice Volume empowers students to reason more effectively and better solve problems.
  • Personalize learning with MasteringPhysics:
  • MasteringPhysics provides students with engaging experiences that coach them through physics with specific wrong-answer feedback, hints, and a wide variety of educationally effective content.
MasteringPhysics is not included. Students, if MasteringPhysics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MasteringPhysics is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MasteringPhysics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. See more
Current price €78.84
Original price €82.99
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Product Details
  • Weight: 2120g
  • Dimensions: 220 x 276mm
  • Publication Date: 03 Feb 2015
  • Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781292078861

About Eric Mazur

Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University and Area Chair of Applied Physics. As an internationally recognised scientist and researcher he leads a vigorous research program in optical physics and supervises one of the largest research groups in the Physics Department at Harvard University. Eric Mazur is author or co-author of over 300 scientific publications and holds three dozen patents. He has also written on education and is the author of Peer Instruction: A User's Manual a book that explains how to teach large lecture classes interactively. In 2006 he helped produce the award-winning DVD Interactive Teaching. He is the founder of Learning Catalytics a platform for promoting interactive learning in the classroom which is available in Mastering Physics.

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