Raising a Daughter After God''s Own Heart
By (author): Elizabeth George
Elizabeth George, popular speaker and bestselling author of A Woman After God's Own Heart and A Young Woman After God's Own Heart, provides an engaging and inspirational resource for every mom who wants to lead her daughter to a godly life by example, encouragement, study, and prayer.
With her biblical insight and child-raising experience, Elizabeth guides a mother's development of her daughter's spiritual life of faithfulness, obedience, and joy lived daily. Alongside these faith-life foundations, Elizabeth provides:
- Small things that make a big differencesimple ways to implement life lessons
- Purpose and prioritieswhat daughters need to know about what matters most
- Study questions for each chapterdiscussion material for moms and daughters
Women will find fresh ways to connect with their daughters as they glean from Bible verses and topical explorations and prepare their girl's heart and mind to become a woman after God's own heart.
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