The Founding of English America: An Introduction to the Lost Colony and Jamestown
By (author): John May
In 1577, a scientist who served as an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I proposed to her the creation of colonies in the New World. Nei2/5/2024ther Elizabeth nor Walter Raleigh imagined the task would be so difficult or take more than 30 years. The effort started with an exploration of the coast of today's North Carolina and the settlement of a colony on Roanoke Island in 1585. This ended tragically and became known as The Lost Colony, its fate a mystery to this day. James I resumed the effort with the founding of Jamestown in 1607 on an island in the James River in today's Virginia.
This book relates the histories of the Roanoke and Jamestown colonies to fully understand the founding of English America. Important events in America's beginnings, including the wreck of the Sea Venture (which inspired William Shakespeare's The Tempest), the Algonquin chief Powhatan's plans to make the newcomers useful to him, and the relationship between Pocahontas and English Captain John Smith are highlighted.
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