The Interaction Field: The Revolutionary New Way to Create Shared Value for Businesses, Customers, and Society
By (author): Erich Joachimsthaler
Most business models are transactional. They are focused on a specific exchange. They match riders with drivers, sellers with buyers, hosts with travelers. They thrive on enormous scale, huge distribution networks, and brand recognition. But then along comes a rival that is small, nimble, and doesn't care much about its brand, and it either rushes past you or mows you down.
In The Interaction Field, branding expert and author Erich Joachimsthaler explains that the only way to survive and thrive in this environment is through the Interaction Field model. An interaction field company is organized to generate, facilitate, and benefit from interactions. It's focused on data exchange among multiple people and groups-from customers and shareholders, but also from those you wouldn't expect to be in the mix: suppliers, software developers, regulators and even competitors. And everyone in the field works together to solve big, industry-wide problems.
This new mindset is broader, more inclusive, more focused on problem-solving, shared wealth, and social benefit. The future is going to be about creating value for everyone, and businesses that solve immediate challenges of people today and also the major social and economic challenges of the future are the ones that will survive and grow.