Tuesday: With a Welsh-language translation, Un Bore Mawrth | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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Tuesday: With a Welsh-language translation, Un Bore Mawrth


By (author): Alison Carr

Translated by: Daf James

'I've been waiting for something like this to happen. I'm surprised it's taken so long. The signs have been building up for a while.'

An ordinary Tuesday turns really, really weird when the sky over the school playground suddenly rips open. Pupils and teachers are sucked up to a parallel universe, whilst a new set of people start raining down from above. 'Us' and 'Them' must come together to work out what is going on, and how they can get things back to how they were.

Alison Carr's play Tuesday is funny and playful, with a little bit of sci-fi and a lot of big themes: friendship, family, identity, grief, responsibility and what happens when an unexpected event literally turns the world upside-down.

Written specifically for young people, the play formed part of the 2020, 2021 and 2023 National Theatre Connections Festivals and was premiered by youth theatres across the UK. It offers opportunities for a large, flexible cast of any size, age and mix of genders.

This bilingual edition includes the original English play with a Welsh-language translation, Un Bore Mawrth, by playwright Daf James.

Set Text >> Tuesday is a set play on WJEC's GCSE Drama specification.

Un Bore Mawrth

''Wi 'di bod yn aros i rywbeth fel hyn ddigwydd. 'Wi'n synnu'i fod e 'di cymryd mor hir. Ma'r arwyddion 'di bod 'ma ers sbel.'

Dydd Mawrth digon cyffredin yw hi, ond yn sydyn mae'n troi'n ddiwrnod rhyfedd iawn pan mae'r awyr uwch ben yr ysgol yn rhwygo'n agored. Caiff disgyblion ac athrawon eu sugno i fyny i fydysawd cyfochrog wrth i garfan newydd o bobl arllwys i lawr oddi uchod. Rhaid i 'Ni' a 'Nhw' ddod ynghyd i ddeall beth sy'n digwydd ac i ddatrys sut i gael pethau'n ôl fel yr oedden nhw.

Mae'r ddrama wreiddiol hon gan Alison Carr, Tuesday, yn ddoniol ac yn chwareus, gyda phinsiad o ffugwyddoniaeth a thomen o themâu mawr: cyfeillgarwch, teulu, hunaniaeth, galar, cyfrifoldeb a beth sy'n digwydd pan fydd digwyddiad annisgwyl yn llythrennol yn troir byd wyneb i waered.

Wedi'i hysgrifennu ar gyfer pobl ifanc, roedd y ddrama'n rhan o yl National Theatre Connections yn 2020 a 2021, a chafodd ei llwyfannu am y tro cyntaf gan theatrau ieuenctid ar draws y DU.

Mae'n cynnig cyfleoedd i gastiau mawr, hyblyg o unrhyw faint, oedran a rhywedd.

Mae Tuesday yn waith gosod ar fanyleb TGAU Drama CBAC. Yn y gyfrol ddwyieithog hon, fe welwch y ddrama wreiddiol Saesneg ynghyd â chyfieithiad Cymraeg y dramodydd Daf James, Un Bore Mawrth.

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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 129 x 198mm
  • Publication Date: 16 Dec 2021
  • Publisher: Nick Hern Books
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781839040009

About Alison Carr

Alison Carr is a playwright and radio dramatist. Her plays include: The Last Quiz Night on Earth (Box of Tricks UK tour 2020); Caterpillar (shortlisted for the Theatre503 Playwriting Award 2016; premiered at Theatre503 London 2018) and Iris (Live Theatre Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2016; winner of the Journal Culture Awards 2017 Writer of the Year). Her play Tuesday formed part of the 2020 and 2021 National Theatre Connections Festivals and was premiered by youth theatres across the UK. In 2013 Alison was awarded the Live Theatre/Empty Space Bursary Award to develop her play The Soaking of Vera Shrimp and the play opened at Live Theatre in September 2014. Other theatre credits include: Hush (Paines Plough RWCMD Gate Theatre) Remains (troublehouse theatre Reveal Festival) Clothes Swap Theatre Party (Derby Theatre) Fat Alice (The Lemon Tree Òran Mór Traverse Theatre) A Wondrous Place (Northern Spirit Tour) Mary Jesus's Mam (Live Theatre) Fine (Soho Theatre) Quick Bright Things (The People's Theatre Newcastle) When It's Gone (part of nabakov's Present: Tense) The Surprising Germination of Andrea Fitzgerald (Hotbed Festival at The Junction) When It Falls (Soho Theatre) The Girls From Poppyfield Close (Live Theatre) Clint (Live Theatre) But Otherwise Went Well (Waterloo East Theatre) and Can Cause Death (National Theatre). Radio credits include Dolly Would (BBC Radio 4) Yackety Yak (The Verb BBC Radio 3) and Worn Around the Edges (BBC Radio 3). Daf James is an award-winning playwright screenwriter composer and performer working across theatre radio television and film in English and Welsh.

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