Best Practices for Risk-Informed Decision Making Regarding Contaminated Sites: Summary of a Workshop Series
Closure and Post-Closure of Contaminated SitesCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management's (EM) mission is the safe cleanup of sites associated with the government-led develo...
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The Science of Responding to a Nuclear Reactor Accident: Summary of a Symposium
Division on Earth and Life StudiesCurrent price €28.49Original price €29.99The Science of Responding to a Nuclear Reactor Accident summarizes the presentations and discussions of the May 2014 Gilbert W. Beebe Symposium tit...
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Merits and Viability of Different Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Technology Options and the Waste Aspects of Advanced Nuclear Reactors
and MedicineCurrent price €43.19Original price €47.99The United States has deployed commercial nuclear power since the 1950s, and as of 2021, nuclear power accounts for approximately 20 percent of U.S...
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Laying the Foundation for New and Advanced Nuclear Reactors in the United States
and MedicineCurrent price €40.84Original price €42.99The world confronts an existential challenge in responding to climate change, resulting in an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from a...
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Risk Analysis Methods for Nuclear War and Nuclear Terrorism
and MedicineCurrent price €25.65Original price €28.50The assessment of risk is complex and often controversial. It is derived from the existence of a hazard, and it is characterized by the uncertainty...
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Research on Health Effects of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Exposure: Opportunities for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Board on the Health of Select PopulationsCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99It is probably only a matter of time before we witness the next event in which large numbers of people are exposed to ionizing radiation. In the pa...
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Risk Analysis Methods for Nuclear War and Nuclear Terrorism: Phase II (Expanded Abbreviated Report of the CUI Version)
and MedicineCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99The United States and the world face serious threats to nuclear stability and peace, now and in the coming decades. Within the nuclear arena, U.S. ...
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The Future of Low Dose Radiation Research in the United States: Proceedings of a Symposium
and MedicineCurrent price €71.24Original price €74.99Exposures at low doses of radiation, generally taken to mean doses below 100 millisieverts, are of primary interest for setting standards for prote...
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Airport Passenger Screening Using Backscatter X-Ray Machines: Compliance with Standards
and MedicineCurrent price €63.89Original price €70.99Passenger screening at commercial airports in the United States has gone through significant changes since the events of September 11, 2001. In res...
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Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Disposition: Proceedings of a Workshop
and MedicineCurrent price €63.64Original price €66.99The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management (DOE) is responsible for the safe cleanup of sites used for nuclear weapons developme...
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Final Review of the Study on Supplemental Treatment Approaches of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation: Review #4
and MedicineCurrent price €60.29Original price €66.99The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management is responsible for managing and cleaning up the waste and contamination at the H...
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Performance Metrics for the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture: Abbreviated Version
Committee on Evaluating the Performance Measures and Metrics Development for the Global Nuclear Detection ArchitectureCurrent price €37.79Original price €41.99The Global Nuclear Detection Architecture (GNDA) is described as a worldwide network of sensors, telecommunications, and personnel, with the suppor...
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Adopting the International System of Units for Radiation Measurements in the United States: Proceedings of a Workshop
and MedicineCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Most countries in the world use the SI (Système International, also known as the metric system) units for radiation measurements in commercial and ...
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Molybdenum-99 for Medical Imaging
and Medicine€74.99The decay product of the medical isotope molybdenum-99 (Mo-99), technetium-99m (Tc-99m), and associated medical isotopes iodine-131 (I-131) and xen...
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Reproducibility and Replicability in Science
and MedicineCurrent price €60.29Original price €66.99One of the pathways by which the scientific community confirms the validity of a new scientific discovery is by repeating the research that produce...
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Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors
and MedicineCurrent price €51.29Original price €56.99The continued presence of highly enriched uranium (HEU) in civilian installations such as research reactors poses a threat to national and internat...
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Review of the Draft Analysis of Supplemental Treatment Approaches of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation: Review #2
and MedicineCurrent price €40.84Original price €42.99In 1943, as part of the Manhattan Project, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was established with the mission to produce plutonium for nuclear weapon...
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Radioactive Sources: Applications and Alternative Technologies
and MedicineCurrent price €71.24Original price €74.99Radioactive Sources: Applications and Alternative Technologies assesses the status of medical, research, sterilization, and other commercial applic...
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Evaluating Testing, Costs, and Benefits of Advanced Spectroscopic Portals: Final Report (Abbreviated Version)
Committee on Advanced Spectroscopic PortalsCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99This letter is the abbreviated version of an update of the interim report on testing, evaluation, costs, and benefits of advanced spectroscopic por...
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Science and Technology for DOE Site Cleanup: Workshop Summary
Division on Earth and Life StudiesCurrent price €28.49Original price €29.99The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management is developing a technology roadmap to guide planning and possible future congressiona...
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Review of the Final Draft Analysis of Supplemental Treatment Approaches of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation: Review #3
and MedicineCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99In 1943, as part of the Manhattan Project, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was established with the mission to produce plutonium for nuclear weapon...
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Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid
and MedicineCurrent price €42.29Original price €46.99Fusion energy offers the prospect of addressing the nation's energy needs and contributing to the transition to a low-carbon emission electrical ge...
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Effectiveness and Efficiency of Defense Environmental Cleanup Activities of DOE''s Office of Environmental Management: Report 1
and MedicineCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies have conducted activities to develop atomic energy for civilian and defense purpos...
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Independent Assessment of Science and Technology for the Department of Energy''s Defense Environmental Cleanup Program
and MedicineCurrent price €60.29Original price €66.99The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017 contained a request for a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine rev...
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Disposal of Surplus Plutonium at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Interim Report
and MedicineCurrent price €40.84Original price €42.99Disposal of Surplus Plutonium at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Interim Report evaluates the general viability of the U.S. Department of Energy's...
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Leveraging Advances in Modern Science to Revitalize Low-Dose Radiation Research in the United States
and MedicineCurrent price €40.84Original price €42.99Radiation exposure at low doses (below 100 milligray) or low-dose rates (less than 5 milligray per hour) occurs in a wide range of medical, industr...
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Review of the Department of Energy''s Plans for Disposal of Surplus Plutonium in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
and MedicineCurrent price €67.49Original price €74.99In 2018, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued an Interim Report evaluating the general viability of the U.S. Depart...
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Analysis of Cancer Risks in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities: Phase 1
Committee on the Analysis of Cancer Risks in Populations near Nuclear FacilitiesPhase ICurrent price €63.64Original price €66.99In the late 1980s, the National Cancer Institute initiated an investigation of cancer risks in populations near 52 commercial nuclear power plants ...
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Assuring a Future U.S.-Based Nuclear and Radiochemistry Expertise
Board on Chemical Sciences and TechnologyCurrent price €51.29Original price €56.99The growing use of nuclear medicine, the potential expansion of nuclear power generation, and the urgent needs to protect the nation against extern...
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Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety of U.S. Nuclear Plants
Committee on Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear PlantsCurrent price €71.09Original price €78.99The March 11, 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami sparked a humanitarian disaster in northeastern Japan. They were responsible for more t...
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Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants: Phase 2
and MedicineCurrent price €60.29Original price €66.99The U.S. Congress asked the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a technical study on lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear acciden...
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Evaluating Testing, Costs, and Benefits of Advanced Spectroscopic Portals for Screening Cargo at Ports of Entry: Interim Report (Abbreviated Version)
Committee on Advanced Spectroscopic PortalsCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99To improve screening of containerized cargo for nuclear and radiological material that might be entering the United States, the Department of Homel...
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Opportunities and Approaches for Supplying Molybdenum-99 and Associated Medical Isotopes to Global Markets: Proceedings of a Symposium
and Medicine€51.99Participants of the July 17-18, 2017, symposium titled Opportunities and Approaches for Supplying Molybdenum-99 and Associated Medical Isotopes to ...
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Long-Term Health Monitoring of Populations Following a Nuclear or Radiological Incident in the United States: Proceedings of a Workshop
and MedicineCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99Accidents and terrorist attacks that lead to the release of radioactive materials can cause deaths, injuries, and a range of psychosocial effects i...
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Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities for Converting U.S. and Russian Research Reactors: A Workshop Report
and Opportunities for Converting U.S. and Russian Research Reactors from Highly Enriched to Low Enriched Uranium FuelCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Highly enriched uranium (HEU) is used for two major civilian purposes: as fuel for research reactors and as targets for medical isotope production....
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Tracking Radiation Exposure from Medical Diagnostic Procedures: Workshop Reports
Committee on Tracking Radiation Doses from Medical Diagnostic ProceduresCurrent price €37.99Original price €39.99The growing use of medical diagnostic procedures is correlated with tremendous and undeniable benefits in the care of most patients. However, it is...
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