Defending Doubled Contracts
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.27Original price €16.99Having doubled the opponents, you now have to find the best way of enforcing your call. Are the odds so close that defeating the contract is the ov...
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Playing Doubled Contracts
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.27Original price €16.99The opponents have doubled your contract and you have to decide how best to play the hand. Are you aiming to make your doubled contract? Is there a...
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The Rabbi and the Weaker Sex
David BirdCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50David Bird and Ron Klinger made a great hit with KOSHER BRIDGE, which was enthusiastically applauded world-wide by the leading bridge critics. In T...
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Playing To Win At Bridge
Ron KlingerCurrent price €15.54Original price €18.50BRIDGE WORLD said of the first edition: 'is as good a quiz book as has ever appeared...Instead of examples of well-known ideas, the author presents...
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Bridge Conventions, Defences and Countermeasures
Ron KlingerCurrent price €16.79Original price €19.99Conventions are a vital element of bidding in bridge. Unless they are easily and clearly understood they can be destructively dangerous. This book ...
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Guide To Better Acol Bridge
Ron KlingerCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99For those needing to grasp the fundamentals of sound bidding and play, Ron Klinger's BASIC BRIDGE is the answer. GUIDE TO BETTER ACOL BRIDGE is int...
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The Mistakes You Make At Bridge
Roger TrezelCurrent price €15.54Original price €18.50Both Terence Reese and Roger Trezel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill in imparting a great knowledge of bridge with supr...
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The Deadly Defence Quiz Book
Roman KrzemienCurrent price €16.79Original price €19.99Defence is the hardest part of bridge and even top-class players make mistakes much too frequently. Part 1 of this book gives insights into how to ...
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The Power of Positive Bidding: Bidding Secrets of the Italian Champions
Dariusz KardasCurrent price €16.79Original price €19.99This remarkable book is based on the close observation of the solutions by the Italian Champions to bidding problems. Acute judgements produced ast...
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New Instant Guide to Bridge: Acol Bids, Responses, Leads & Play
Hugh KelseyCurrent price €14.27Original price €16.99NEW INSTANT GUIDE TO BRIDGE is designed as a quick reference book for every bridge player who wants to be sure of the best bid, lead or play. It in...
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The Rabbi''s Magic Trick
David BirdCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50David Bird, the world's leading humorous bridge writer, joins forces again with Ron Klinger, one of the world's best-known bridge teachers and auth...
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Improve Your Play at Trump Contracts
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.27Original price €16.99Following the successful IMPROVE YOUR PLAY AT NO-TRUMPS, Ron Klinger shows you how to make the most of your assets in trump contracts. When is it r...
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Teach Your Child Bridge: Using A Simplified Acol System
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.88Original price €17.50There is every reason to start children on bridge at an early age. In addition to the obvious benefits to arithmetic and logical reasoning, bridge ...
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Better Balanced Bidding: The Banzai Method
David JacksonCurrent price €15.54Original price €18.50Whether you play in person, or online, this is a must for bridge lovers around the worldThis is an important, and in some ways revolutionary, book....
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Deadly Defence
Roman KrzemienCurrent price €15.54Original price €18.50DEADLY DEFENCE covers every important aspect in bridge to make good bridge players into excellent defenders. It deals with opening leads (how to co...
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The New Complete Book of Bridge
Albert DormerCurrent price €20.39Original price €23.99This book gives a full account of modern Acol and of the whole range of defensive and competitive bidding. It is suitable for players up to a high ...
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Improve Your Slam Bidding
Ron KlingerCurrent price €15.54Original price €18.50Bidding in the slam area has developed rapidly over the past 20 years and players are bidding slams more often and more accurately. In this book Ro...
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When to Bid, When to Pass
Ron KlingerCurrent price €15.73Original price €18.50From the opening bid to much later rounds of bidding, from uncontested sequences to highly competitive auctions, this book will provide the groundw...
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Guide To Better Duplicate Bridge
Ron KlingerCurrent price €15.73Original price €18.50This book is for you if you are serious about wanting to improve your duplicate skills. If you and your partner adopt most of the bidding methods r...
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50 Great Puzzles on Declarer Play
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.27Original price €16.99Ron Klinger has assembled 50 great puzzles on declarer play, which will give the bridge player an opportunity to test their card-handling skills. W...
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50 Great Puzzles on Defence
Ron KlingerCurrent price €14.10Original price €16.99Improve your memory, improve your game!The aim is to encourage players to improve their bridge by solving the puzzlesThis challenging book of puzzl...
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